Verified Reviews - ACTA HISTOCHEMICA
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

慕溪 2023-04-25

Publish online within ten days after receiving, super fast speed. I delayed the time myself, otherwise it would be even faster.

慕溪 2023-04-14

First time publishing a paper, very excited, sharing my experience: Submitted on 4th March 2023, took around 7 days for review, received the review in less than a month. There were two reviewers, one rejected the paper (stating lack of novelty, I feel they didn't understand my point, and my introduction was not well expressed), and the other asked for modifications in the introduction. I didn't check for a long time and only found out it had been reviewed after a few days. Then I completely rewrote the entire introduction to address the reviewer's concerns, and resubmitted it. It was accepted within two days after the resubmission. The total time was exactly 40 days, the process was fast, and the editor was good. They gave me an opportunity, and I am grateful!

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