Verified Reviews - Applied Materials Today
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

张小团 2023-06-09

5.15 submission
5.16 under consideration
5.23 under consideration (time changed, status unchanged)
6.7 decision in process
6.9 rejected
The rejection feedback was quite detailed, but the main issue was the long processing time, and it was unclear if it was even reviewed, as it seemed to be stuck in the "under consideration" status. I would not recommend submitting again, as it has caused a lot of frustration.

摩尔 2023-04-17

Can I ask if completing the review in 2 weeks is considered a normal speed? Is it valid to have only one reviewer agreeing to review before and after?

摩尔 2023-04-17

If there is only one reviewer for the manuscript, what is the subsequent process? Is it necessary to have two or more reviewers for the review to be valid?

小小怪将军 2023-03-09

I am reviewed on a monthly basis.

摩尔 2023-03-02

May I ask how long it takes to submit for review, and how long it takes to receive the revised version? I am anxiously waiting.

摩尔 2023-03-02

Does this magazine take so long to review the manuscript? I can't afford to wait.

摩尔 2023-03-02

What is the rate of submission for this magazine? Is it highly likely that if it has been half a month since submission and there is still no news, it has been sent for review?

摩尔 2023-03-02

Has there been no news from the submission in November until January? So, what is the situation now?

小小怪将军 2023-02-27

Hello, may I ask how long does it take for the review? It has been a month now and it is still in the "Under Consideration" status.

Simone0220 2023-01-16

22. 11. 05 submit
22. 11. 07 under consideration
22. 11.19 date change
And then there has been no news...
I'm really anxious, has it not been reviewed all this time?

something 2022-12-29

12.12 submit
12.20 under consideration (second time under consideration)

What bad luck, I happened to submit it right before their Christmas and New Year holidays.

扣脚大妞 2022-12-14

It has been half a month since I submitted, and it is still under consideration.

扣脚大妞 2022-12-14

Submitted for half a month, it has been under consideration the entire time.

Raes 2022-12-05

The initial review and editing process was slow, but it became fast afterwards. Luckily, the reviewer's comments were minor, and the revised version was accepted after a week. I also hope that this journal will return to a rating of 10 soon!

后但是 2022-12-04

It took a total of 4 months from submission to revision to acceptance (submitted in early August, accepted in early December). The early stage was relatively slow, and we kept looking for reviewers. We sent two reminders. The first time, they said it was still being edited, and the second time, they sent a manuscript tracking link, which allowed us to check the progress of the review. We found that the review was already in progress and two reviewers were invited, but only one accepted the invitation. A few days later, another reviewer accepted the invitation. The review comments came back at the end of November (from 2 reviewers), and we were given 20 days for minor revisions. Most of the issues were easily addressed, except for a few that were difficult to respond to. The acceptance was received within half a month of resubmission.

GD6691 2022-11-30

That was rejected by the professional editor.

kaka问心 2022-11-21

Brother, can I change my vote directly after the decision is made?

kaka问心 2022-11-20

2022.11.20 Morning Decision in Process

kaka问心 2022-11-19

2022.11.13 Morning submitted
2022.11.14 Evening Under Consideration
2022.11.19 Evening Under Consideration (2022.11.14)
...... No changes so far, submitted an essay.

刘上人侃侃 2022-11-18

The first round of review comments came back after about 3 months, and it took another month to receive the revised manuscript. This journal is indeed relatively slow.

loglog 2022-11-12

Mine too, it has been more than 1 month and 2 weeks, and it hasn't been submitted for review yet. It has been in the hands of the editor all this time. I want to withdraw my submission.

loglog 2022-11-12

How many times has your "under consideration" status changed? I submitted mine on September 26th and it changed to "under consideration" on the 27th. It changed again on the 4th, but when I asked customer service, they said it was still in the editor's hands. How exactly did your status change? It has been one month and two weeks for mine and I still haven't received any updates.

2021FF 2022-11-06

Did you receive any follow-up emails from the journal after submitting it for review? The "under consideration" date has changed several times.

2021FF 2022-11-06

The journal has sent you a follow-up email after submitting for review. The "Under Consideration" date has changed several times.

Raes 2022-11-05

Hello, may I ask if the date of this "under consideration" status has changed before you received the review comments? How many times has it changed?

Raes 2022-11-04

I have been under consideration for a month after changing the date once. I asked customer service and they said it's still in the editor's hands, which is unreasonable. May I ask how long it took for your first review to be approved?

刘上人侃侃 2022-11-04

The revised draft was submitted on the 10th of May, and it was accepted on the 1st of November. To be honest, it was a bit slow, taking more than 4 months in total. I don't know how long it will take for proofreading...

后但是 2022-11-02

I'm back, 2 reviewers.

哈拉哈啦 2022-10-30

Does "under consideration" mean that it is under review?

哈拉哈啦 2022-10-30

Does this "14 under consideration" second change mean it is for review?

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