Verified Reviews - Environmental Engineering Research
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

萌万万 2023-06-08

Direction of solid waste treatment, articles combining DFT calculations and experiments.

Submission: 2023/3/1
Major revision: 2023/4/10
Return of major revision: 2023/4/26
Acceptance: 2023/5/28

The reviewers provided many suggestions for the background section, which resulted in a nearly complete rewrite of the introduction. There were hardly any comments on the computational part, while a few additional validation experiments were requested for the experimental part. Overall, the reviewers' comments were reasonable and straightforward. For those hoping to easily get published, it's important to note that there are only slightly over 100 articles published per year. Unfortunately, the journal's ranking in the Chinese Academy of Sciences is quite low...

wer2020 2023-03-02

After this journal was accepted, there has been no proofreading for two weeks. I don't know what the situation is.

小小酥223 2023-02-04

May I ask how long does it usually take for the editor? Everyone seems to be quite fast, but mine has been over a week and still hasn't been reviewed. I'm getting anxious.

defushw 2023-01-14

10.20 submitted
11.14 revision
12.12 resubmitted
12.13 under review
1.13 accept
Hehe, the above is the process of my submission. It's probably also my first and last SCI paper as a graduate student. The review speed of EER is really nice. It was "With editor" just one day after submission. The first review response was very quick, and the comments from the three reviewers were very fair. After major revisions, the paper was returned and one month later it was accepted for publication without minor revisions. Overall, the language requirement is not very high, but there is a certain expectation for innovative experiments.

AAABBC 2023-01-01

What does "ksee承担版面" mean?

@会飞的鱼 2022-12-22

The review process is relatively fast, but the publication process is relatively slow. Even after half a year or until the end of the year after publication, it has not been indexed in Web of Science yet.

treverlu 2022-10-19

2022.07.16 Submission
2022.09.02 Revised (Major revision)
2022.09.30 Resubmitted after modification
2022.10.16 Accepted

小欧 2022-06-07

Congratulations to the great master for the smooth acceptance of the article! Can I request a template for a reference in EndNote for submission? ? Please help, I just want to graduate, I am extremely grateful ?

小凡99 2022-04-24

October 6, 2021 - Submission
November 13, 2021 - Feedback on revisions
December 8, 2021 - Resubmission after revisions
January 5, 2022 - Acceptance

my9722 2022-03-15

May I ask what field you are working in? What is the general theme? Thank you.

烟花三月 2022-03-08

How long does the second trial usually take?

一托托 2022-02-04

Open source journal, but KSEE will bear the page charges.

一托托 2022-02-04

2021.11.11 submit - Submitted on November 11, 2021.
2021.11.15 under review - Under review since November 15, 2021.
2021.12.9 major revision - Requires major revision by December 9, 2021.
2022.2.3 accept - Accepted on February 3, 2022.

shenxiu 2022-01-05

Rejected, it was quickly rejected because the theme is not suitable.

晴天qingtian 2021-12-28

May I ask if the editing was directly accepted or returned to the reviewer after the modification? When will it be published since it was accepted in April?
It has been a month since my revision was returned, and it is still "with editor."

shenxiu 2021-12-28

Can you tell me if this journal is open access? Do I need to pay any publication fees?

shenxiu 2021-12-28

Is this journal open source?

shenxiu 2021-12-28

May I ask if this journal is open-source? Do I need to pay a publication fee?

晴天qingtian 2021-12-22

May I ask how long it takes from online to being included?

朱天宝 2021-06-28

The journal is fast-paced, so those who are eager to graduate can give it a try as they can get results in the shortest possible time. Submissions made on April 2nd will receive acceptance notifications on May 30th, with one major revision and one minor revision. The specific publication date is still pending.

Mia12138 2021-04-19

2020.1.16 Submission
2020.1.16 Request for format revision in response to editor's letter
2020.3.2 First round of revisions (4 reviewers)
2020.4.19 Accepted after revisions.

Qianlu 2021-01-15

Do I need to pay? It seems like I need to pay or something.

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