Verified Reviews - Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

高启强 2023-07-08

Submitted on February 20, 2023, awaiting reviewer assignment.
Awaiting reviewer scores on April 18, 2023.
Awaiting AE recommendation on May 8, 2023.
Awaiting EIC Decision on May 12, 2023.
Major revision on May 15, 2023.
Submitted revised version on May 22, 2023, awaiting admin processing.
Awaiting reviewer invitation on May 30, 2023.
Awaiting reviewer assignment on June 3, 2023.
Awaiting AE recommendation on June 18, 2023.
Accepted on June 23, 2023.

The first round of reviewer assignment took a relatively long time, almost 2 months. Recently, it was discovered that reviewers are given 2 weeks to review.

高启强 2023-02-28

This journal is incredibly slow, it's been a month already and they haven't even found all the reviewers yet. It still says "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment". Are the editors dead or what?

scisci777 2023-02-23

Opposing the 6th floor, it has been the longest time, stop blowing it from afar. This journal published several special issues last year, and the editorial department has accumulated a pile of articles that have not been reviewed in time. Since HCIS separated from Springer and became managed by Koreans, can they handle it? Do they have the capability?

陈志强 2023-02-23

At first glance, the review speed of this journal seems fast, but upon closer inspection, it is actually quite slow. Fast Track (Fourteen Weeks, 14 weeks) and Regular Track (Thirty Weeks, 30 weeks), but it will never exceed this time. The official website of this journal only provides the longest time, not the average time.

scisci777 2023-02-09

I advise classmates who are eager to graduate not to consider this journal, especially its special issue. The official website claims that the notification will be given within four weeks, but in reality, it takes more than three to four months. Moreover, these three to four months are only spent on selecting reviewers.

彬wb1234 2023-02-07

Has there been any result yet? How is the speed of reviewing?

yanwurui 2022-08-26

Hello, how long does the first review take? How many reviewers are there? Thank you.

李瑞峰 2022-05-03

The speed is very fast and detailed review comments were also provided.

CR7Swallow 2022-04-10

Did the original poster submit to this journal? How does it feel? How is the speed?

CR7Swallow 2022-04-10

How do you feel about submitting to this journal? Have you received any results yet? How is the review speed?

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