Verified Reviews - Environmental Sciences Europe
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

SCI贴贴 2022-05-03

2022.5.1 Rejected

SCI贴贴 2022-05-03

2022.5.1 Rejected (2022, May 1st)

SCI贴贴 2022-04-25

2022.04.19 Initial Date Submitted
2022.4.20 Email notification to change to a higher resolution image, re-submitted on the same day after modification
2022.4.21 Editor appointed

xiemujiao 2021-08-06

The journal submission has issues related to In Review preprint and the choice of Research Square platform. How can this be resolved? The concern is that the paper will be preprinted and uploaded to the Research Square platform. If the submission is rejected, will it have a significant impact on future submissions?

小人 2021-07-19

The review process seems not very strict, but the publication fee is expensive, nearly 20,000 yuan. Now it is an upgraded version of Zone 3 in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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