Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

enidsky 2023-07-19

Hello, may I ask what the resubmission process is for you?

大杆子 2023-07-19

Already in the middle... maybe normal speed.

LHX99 2023-06-28

Hello, how long ago did you submit your manuscript?

大杆子 2023-01-20

2023-01 : Reject and Resubmit. It's frustrating, as there are many comments.

大杆子 2022-12-25

After one and a half months of submission, AE was assigned, but until now it is still capitalized as UR, with no updates.

qqaa 2022-11-15

How long have you been studying?

qqaa 2022-11-15

Has your UR changed?

qqaa 2022-11-04

How long have you had news, brother?

qqaa 2022-11-04

How long have you been peer reviewing?

NookLook 2022-10-20

After submission, the status is UR, but the reality is that the editor has not been assigned yet. Is it because the editor has not processed it yet?

00 2022-02-07

It has been 8 months since the application was submitted and there has been no change. I am also unsure if it has been sent for review.

craker 2021-06-07

2021.2.7 submitted;
2021.4.16 first round decision on minor revision;
2021.5.7 submitted after minor revision completed;
2021.5.28 accepted;
2021.6.2 IEEE Xplore Early Access Article Accessed.


2021.2.7 submitted;
2021.4.16 received first round decision for minor revision;
2021.5.7 submitted after completing minor revision;
2021.5.28 accepted;
2021.6.2 IEEE Xplore Early Access Article Accessed.

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