Verified Reviews - Soft Robotics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Errrrrric 2023-04-15

Hello, may I ask if you have added a new reviewer for the second review?

aaadefighting 2022-11-29

When submitting the article, should the images be embedded within the text or placed separately at the end of the article?

Jay0304 2022-11-11

The status will not change until receiving the email, and it seems that the editor is also very slow in making the final decision.

匿名好友 2022-11-08

Can I ask if the STATUS changes during the journal peer review process? What does it mean if it remains "under review" all the time?

Jay0304 2022-10-26

Now in the third review, the third review has been going on for almost two months. The first review lasted for over three months, and the second review lasted nearly three months.

SGpp 2022-10-21

Excuse me, does it mean that there has been no response after seven months of initial trial?

Jay0304 2022-10-17

The review process is extremely slow. It has been over 7 months since the submission, and it has not been accepted yet.

一个大水胡 2022-06-28

Hello, how long does it take for your first-instance opinions to come back?

Ramality 2022-06-06

The average quality of journal articles in the past six months has shown a clear upward trend. The ideas are new and reliable, and the workload is solid. It is expected that the impact factor will continue to rise in the following years. We hope that Soro can become better and better and steadily establish itself as a well-recognized top journal in the field of robotics.

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