Journal Title


Aims and Scope
Physics Essays has been established as an international journal dedicated to theoretical and experimental aspects of fundamental problems in Physics and, generally, to the advancement of basic knowledge of Physics. The Journal’s mandate is to publish rigorous and methodological examinations of past, current, and advanced concepts, methods and results in physics research. Physics Essays dedicates itself to the publication of stimulating exploratory, and original papers in a variety of physics disciplines, such as spectroscopy, quantum mechanics, particle physics, electromagnetic theory, astrophysics, space physics, mathematical methods in physics, plasma physics, philosophical aspects of physics, chemical physics, and relativity.
Subject Area


CiteScore Ranking
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
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Category (Journal Citation Reports 2023) Quartile
Country/Area of Publication
Annual Article Volume
Open Access
Verified Reviews
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.
Li Zifeng denies the long-standing existence of relativity theory. Sadly, the editorial department could not provide strong review comments and rejected Li's paper. You have to make the author convinced. Even more unfortunate is that after Li Zifeng's paper was publicly published, no one in the international community was capable of writing a comment to refute Li Zifeng's paper. Where did those reviewers who talked big and mocked Li Zifeng go? Li Zifeng has provided you with such a great opportunity to publish academic papers, so come out and publish your own academic papers to refute it. The reviewers arrogantly rejected the paper, but when the article was published elsewhere, they lost their power. It can be seen that the original evaluation of the reviewers was completely irresponsible, and they dared to make random evaluations without understanding. The editors also did not fulfill their responsibilities. The purpose of conducting experiments is to obtain theoretical knowledge, but the current international academic community is obsessed with experiments, and no one is interested in theory. Even prestigious scientific journals like SCI cannot find reviewers for theoretical articles related to undergraduate knowledge. This shows the extent to which the international scientific community has deteriorated.

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