Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E

Journal Title
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E

2250-2483 / 2250-2491
Aims and Scope
This series covers the broad area of theoretical and applied research in the field of chemical and textile engineering. The latest developments focused in the areas like chemical and production processes, fertilizer, petroleum engineering, structural mechanics of yarns & fabrics, knitted fabrics and many related areas. Papers, which describe the novel theory and its application to practice, are welcome. Original manuscripts are solicited on all areas of Series-C but not limited to:·         Fibre Science & Technology, Chemical Processing & Finishing·        Yarn Manufacture including Core Yarns, Covered Yarns, Ply Yarns, Fabric Manufacture including Non-woven & Knitted Fabrics·        Hosiery and Structural Mechanics of Fabrics, Textile Machine Design, Industrial EngineeringPeer Review Information: This journal follows a Double blind peer review process.
Subject Area


1.80 View Trend
CiteScore Ranking
Category Quartile Rank
Engineering - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Q3 #201/355
Engineering - Materials Science (miscellaneous) Q3 #89/150
Engineering - General Chemical Engineering Q3 #178/272
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
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Springer Nature
Publication Frequency
2 issues per year
Open Access

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