Journal Title
Journal of Optics-India


0970-0374 / 0974-6900
Aims and Scope
The Journal is aimed to stimulate study and research in fundamental and applied science related to the problems in optics.

The Journal of Optics publishes Research Papers on results of original and applied research of sufficient merit in all branches of optical physics and technology, such as the science of vision, colour, photometry, illumination, optical/opto-electronics material and devices, optical testing and standardization, spectroscopy, lasers, holography, fibre optics, non-linear optics, optical and opto-electronic systems and instruments, image processing, optical computing. Review articles, literature citations on various aspects of optics are also welcome.
Subject Area


2.50 View Trend
CiteScore Ranking
Category Quartile Rank
Physics and Astronomy - Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics Q3 #137/211
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
- -
Category (Journal Citation Reports 2023) Quartile
Optical Society of India
Publication Frequency
4 issues per year
Annual Article Volume
Open Access
Verified Reviews
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.
This is the Journal of Optics in India. Please note that it is a purely open-access journal with a fast review process. After the first round of review, two manuscripts were rejected and one was given a major revision. Surprisingly, the revised manuscript was accepted within three days of submission. However, if you are in a hurry to graduate, you can consider submitting to this journal; otherwise, I do not recommend it.
Submitted on March 21st, received the first revision on May 21st, and there was only one reviewer. It's ridiculous. After I finished the modifications, I realized upon submission that it wasn't for IOP or SCI. It's really frustrating.

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