Metallography Microstructure and Analysis

Journal Title
Metallography Microstructure and Analysis


2192-9262 / 2192-9270
Aims and Scope
The journal Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles on engineered materials, which are defined as both processed and inorganic. The journal focuses on the art and science of preparing, interpreting, and analyzing microstructures for the purpose of understanding material behavior and performance, and serves as a forum for engineers and scientists to exchange the latest information regarding the evolution of microstructures in a variety of materials.  <p/>Topics focus on the role of microstructure in engineering processes and materials properties. Specifically, the journal publishes contributions that discuss the ways in which microstructures can influence, or arise from:   <p/>1) Mechanical and thermal processing of metals, alloys, and ceramics  2) Environmental degradation (such as oxidation and corrosion)3) Welding, casting, and solidification processes4) Additive or digital manufacturing techniques 5) Failure of engineering structures, and6) Electronic materials.<p/>In addition to these general topics, the journal covers a wide range of more specialized materials science and metallurgy issues, such as the characterization of building materials, archaeometallurgy, high-strain-rate phenomena, tribological surfaces and interfaces, superplasticity, and radiation effects. Also of interest are new and alternative techniques for microstructural examination and analysis (including metallography, ceramography, and microscopy), computer-aided microstructural analysis, and techniques for physical and chemical analysis as they relate to microstructure. <p/>Contributions that present a complete treatment of a microstructure, from its formation to preparation techniques to interpretation and analysis, are especially of interest to the journal.
Subject Area


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CiteScore Ranking
Category Quartile Rank
Materials Science - Metals and Alloys Q2 #67/164
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
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Category (Journal Citation Reports 2023) Quartile
Springer Nature
Publication Frequency
6 issues per year
Annual Article Volume
Open Access

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