Journal of International Migration and Integration

Journal Title
Journal of International Migration and Integration


1488-3473 / 1874-6365
Aims and Scope
The Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal, which publishes original research papers, policy discussions and book reviews that enhance the understanding of immigration, settlement and integration and that contribute to policy development. The Journal of International Migration and Integration consistently covers a wide array of subject areas, including labor market integration, refugee status in various nations, adaptation strategies of immigrants in industrialized settings, racial and gender variations in migration, the role of social work in the integration of new citizens, and retention of ethnic and older national identities in new environments. These are issues of concern throughout the world. The journal looks at the social world with a fresh vision enhanced by the basic and applied social sciences. JIMI welcomes papers based on original research, critital policy debates and comparative analyses. Submissions and subscriptions are open to all.
Subject Area


2.50 View Trend
CiteScore Ranking
Category Quartile Rank
Social Sciences - Cultural Studies Q1 #100/1203
Social Sciences - Anthropology Q1 #80/468
Social Sciences - Demography Q2 #39/135
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
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Category (Journal Citation Reports 2023) Quartile
Springer Nature
Publication Frequency
4 issues per year
Annual Article Volume
Open Access

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