Journal Title
Electronic Markets


1019-6781 / 1422-8890
Aims and Scope
Electronic Markets (EM) is a leading academic journal that offers a forum for research on all forms of networked business. EM recognizes the transformational role of information and communication technology (IT) in changing the interaction between organizations and customers, which is present in social networks, electronic commerce, supply chain management, or customer relationship management. Electronic markets, in particular, refer to forms of networked business where multiple suppliers and customers interact for economic purposes within one or among multiple tiers in economic value chains. As a broad concept, there are many forms of electronic markets: In a narrow sense, electronic markets are mainly conceived as allocation platforms with dynamic price discovery mechanisms involving atomistic relationships. Popular examples originate from the financial (e.g., CBOT, XETRA) and energy markets (e.g., EEX, ICE).     In a broader sense, price discovery is not critical for Electronic Markets. These solutions emphasize longer-term relationships and processes for enabling business transactions (e.g., electronic procurement solutions) and/or knowledge management (e.g., product development, problem and incident management). EM covers diverse aspects of networked business and welcomes research from a technological, organizational, societal, and/or political perspective. Since EM is a methodologically pluralistic journal, quantitative and qualitative research methods are both welcome as long as the studies are methodologically sound. Conceptual and theory-development papers, empirical hypothesis testing, and case-based studies are all welcome. More information on EM's scope as well as some examples are provided in Editorial 24/3.Officially cited as: Electron Markets <p/>
Subject Area



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CiteScore Ranking
Category Quartile Rank
Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Economics and Econometrics Q1 #30/705
Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Computer Science Applications Q1 #56/792
Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Management of Technology and Innovation Q1 #21/281
Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Business and International Management Q1 #33/436
Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Marketing Q1 #26/203
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
- Indexed
Category (Journal Citation Reports 2023) Quartile
Springer Nature
Publication Frequency
4 issues per year
Annual Article Volume
Open Access

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