Impact of AI on Cybersecurity

Impact of AI on Cybersecurity

The ultimate goal of AI is to create intelligent machines or technology that can perform and automate human tasks at a much higher level, complete them much faster, and provide solutions for complex tasks beyond human capabilities. AI security solutions can offer major benefits to cybersecurity. Alt...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 6 months ago

5 · 2
Ethical and Scientific Issues in your Field

Ethical and Scientific Issues in your Field

What would you say are common ethical or scientific issues that come up in your research?

Created by Neil Morte · 3 years ago

42 · 15
Academic Integrity in Research

Academic Integrity in Research

Academic integrity often is assumed to apply to students, but of course we also expect integrity from academic researchers as well. What types of violations in research/academic integrity have you witnesses among researchers/faculty? What are your thoughts on "self-plagiarism" and reuse of research/...

Created by David Ison · 3 years ago

28 · 18
AI in Scholarly Publishing

AI in Scholarly Publishing

Discuss the latest news and trends regarding AI and how it influences scholarly publishing.

Created by Nathan Boutin · 1 year ago

10 · 8
Peer-review platforms

Peer-review platforms

Peer review is the process of specialists in a specific field evaluating research or academic work. It's an essential part of the publishing process because it allows journals to publish only papers that meet their scope and quality requirements. Based on its methodology and theory, each journal has...

Created by Aleksandar Kara... · 3 years ago

40 · 44
in-vivo research

in-vivo research

This hub is for in-vivo research discussion and the ethical and legal aspects of in-vivo research.

Created by Harwinder Sidhu · 2 years ago

9 · 7
Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles

This hub is dedicated to electric vehicle topics: ethics, AI, the future of transportation, and so much more! Post your insights and ideas below

Created by Zachery Wolfe · 3 years ago

370 · 23