Loutfy H. Madkour

Egypt Tanta University

Published in 2024
Carbon Nanocomposites: Emerging Engineering Technologies and Industrial Applications
Carbon Nanocomposites Emerging Engineering Technologies Industrial Applications
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: IGI Global
Successful deployment of carbon nanocomposites in many applications, such as sensing, energy storage, and catalysis, relies on the selection, synthesis, and tailoring of the surface properties. Carbon nanotubes, due to their large surface areas, unique surface properties, and needle-like shape, can deliver a lot of therapeutic agents, including DNA, siRNAs and proteins to the target disease sites. Carbon nanotubes can be readily excreted through the renal route by means of degradation through myeloperoxidase enzyme. Nanotubes are categorized as single-walled carbon nanotubes and multiple walled carbon nanotubes. Theirs advances have been made in the delivery of anticancer, anti-inflammatory drugs, bioactive molecules, and proteins. Drugs and biomolecules can be loaded in carbon nanotubes, which can then be utilized as targeted molecules. Recently, carbon nanocomposites have attracted a lot of attention in the field of cancer diagnosis and therapy, with their ability to deliver therapeutic molecules and allow visualization of cells and tissues, which are necessary for the cure and treatment of diseased and damaged tissues.
Published in 2024
Fullerene-Based Modifier: Biosensing and Nanobiotechnological Industrial Applications
Nanobiotechnological Industrial Applications Fullerene Based Modifier
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: IGI Global
Fullerene molecules are composed entirely of carbon, in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, or tube. Fullerenes in the cylindrical form are called carbon nanotubes or buckytubes and fullerenes in the spherical form are referred to as buckyballs. Fullerenes have attracted considerable attention in different fields of science since. Their unique carbon cage structure coupled with immense scope for derivatization makes them a potential therapeutic agent. The fullerenes can be utilized in organic photovoltaic (OPV), portable power, medical purpose, antioxidants, and biopharmaceuticals and dentistry. Recently, fullerene-C60 contributed greatly to the field of biosensing and bio-nanotechnology. Fullerene allows its wide use for designing the highly sensitive chemical/biosensors. Fullerene is not dangerous to biological systems. Fullerene, as the first symmetric nanostructure in the carbon nanomaterials family, opened up new perspectives in nanomaterials field leading to discovery and research on other symmetric carbon nanomaterials.
Published in 2023
Understanding Biocompatibility: Ensuring Safe and Successful Medical Interventions
Authors: -
Journal: American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics Volume 10, Issue 2 (2023)
Published in 2023
Understanding Biocompatibility: Ensuring Safe and Successful Medical Interventions
Biocompatibility Ensuring Safe Successful Medical Interventions
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics (2023) Volume 10, Issue 2
Biocompatibility, a pivotal concept in the field of medical science, refers to the compatibility of a biomaterial or medical device with living tissues and the human body. The study of biocompatibility is paramount in modern medicine as it plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and effective implementation of various medical interventions. In this article, we delve into the significance of biocompatibility, its assessment methods, and the implications it holds for the development of life-saving technologies. The exploration of biocompatibility starts with comprehending the intricate relationship between foreign materials and the human body. Medical devices, implants, and therapeutic materials interact with the biological environment once introduced, and these interactions can profoundly influence the patient’s health and treatment outcomes.
Published in 2023
Carbon Nanotubes—Based Intelligent Platform for Cancer Vaccine Co-delivery Nanocarriers Immunotherapy Achievements: Challenges In vitro and In vivo
Carbon Nanotubes Cancer Vaccine Co-delivery Nanocarriers In vitro and In vivo
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: International Journal of Nursing Care and Research (2023) 1(2). 1-55.
Carbon Nanotubes—Based Intelligent Platform for Cancer Vaccine Co-delivery Nanocarriers Immunotherapy Achievements: Challenges In vitro and In vivo
Published in 2023
Toxische Auswirkungen von Umweltschwermetallen auf Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen Paperback – 18 Feb. 2023 German edition by Loutfy H. Madkour (Author)
Toxische Auswirkungen Umweltschwermetallen auf Herz-Kreislauf Erkrankungen Paperback
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: Journal LAMBART Academic Publishing "German edition"
Fünfunddreißig Metalle stellen eine Gefahr für die menschliche Gesundheit dar, 23 davon sind Schwermetalle [1]. Studien berichten über verschiedene Auswirkungen von Schwermetallen im Trinkwasser [2,3]. Nach Angaben der Internationalen Agentur für Krebsforschung (IARC) sind anorganisches As und Cd als krebserregend für den Menschen eingestuft [4]. Die Schwermetalltoxizität ist ein wichtiger Aspekt bei medizinischen Untersuchungen, da die meisten Schwermetalle bei sehr hohen Konzentrationen Gesundheitsprobleme verursachen können, für die bisher keine Ursache oder Lösung gefunden wurde. Schwermetalle werden durch natürliche Quellen und menschliche Aktivitäten kontinuierlich in die terrestrische Umwelt freigesetzt, reichern sich in der Umwelt an und kontaminieren anschließend die Nahrungskette.
Published in 2023
Efectos tóxicos de los metales pesados ambientales en la patología cardiovascular Paperback – 18 Feb. 2023 Spanish edition
Efectos tóxicos de los metales pesados ambientales la patología cardiovascular
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: Journal LAMBART Academic Publishing (Spanish edition)
Treinta y cinco metales suponen una amenaza para la salud humana, 23 de los cuales son metales pesados [1]. Los estudios informan de diversos efectos de los metales pesados en el agua potable [2,3]. Según el Centro Internacional de Investigaciones sobre el Cáncer (CIIC), el As y el Cd inorgánicos están clasificados como carcinógenos humanos [4]. La toxicidad de los metales pesados es una consideración importante en los análisis médicos, ya que a niveles muy altos, la mayoría de los metales pesados pueden causar problemas de salud para los que no se ha encontrado ninguna causa ni solución. Los metales pesados son liberados continuamente al medio terrestre por fuentes naturales y actividades humanas, se acumulan en el medio ambiente y contaminan posteriormente la cadena alimentaria.
Published in 2023
Efeitos Tóxicos dos Metais Pesados Ambientais na Patofía Cardiovascular Paperback – 18 Feb. 2023 Portuguese edition by Loutfy H. Madkour (Author)
Efeitos Tóxicos Metais Pesados Ambientais Cardiovascular
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: Journal LAMBART Academic Publishing (Portuguese edition)
Trinta e cinco metais representam uma ameaça para a saúde humana, 23 dos quais são metais pesados [1]. Estudos relatam vários efeitos dos metais pesados na água potável [2,3]. De acordo com a Agência Internacional de Investigação do Cancro (IARC), os As e Cd inorgânicos são classificados como carcinogéneos humanos [4]. A toxicidade dos metais pesados é uma consideração importante nos trabalhos médicos, a níveis muito elevados, a maioria dos metais pesados pode causar problemas de saúde para os quais nenhuma causa ou solução foi encontrada. Os metais pesados são continuamente libertados para o ambiente terrestre por fontes naturais e actividades humanas, acumulam-se no ambiente e subsequentemente contaminam a cadeia alimentar.
Published in 2023
Effets toxiques des métaux lourds de l'environnement sur la pathologie cardiovasculaire Paperback – 18 Feb. 2023 French edition by Loutfy H. Madkour (Author)
Effets toxiques des métaux l'environnement pathologie cardiovasculaire
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: Journal LAMBART Academic Publishing (French edition )
Trente-cinq métaux constituent une menace pour la santé humaine, dont 23 sont des métaux lourds [1]. Des études rapportent divers effets des métaux lourds dans l'eau potable [2,3]. Selon le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC), l'As et le Cd inorganiques sont classés comme cancérigènes pour l'homme [4]. La toxicité des métaux lourds est un élément important à prendre en compte dans les bilans de santé. À des niveaux très élevés, la plupart des métaux lourds peuvent provoquer des problèmes de santé pour lesquels aucune cause ou solution n'a été trouvée. Les métaux lourds sont continuellement libérés dans l'environnement terrestre par des sources naturelles et des activités humaines, ils s'accumulent dans l'environnement et contaminent ensuite la chaîne alimentaire.
Published in 2023
Effetti tossici dei metalli pesanti ambientali sulla fisiopatologia cardiovascolare Paperback – 18 Feb. 2023 Italian edition by Loutfy H. Madkour (Author)
Effetti tossici dei metalli pesanti ambientali sulla cardiovascolare
Authors: Loutfy H. Madkour
Journal: Journal LAMBART Academic Publishing
Trentacinque metalli rappresentano una minaccia per la salute umana, 23 dei quali sono metalli pesanti [1]. Gli studi riportano diversi effetti dei metalli pesanti nell'acqua potabile [2,3]. Secondo l'Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro (IARC), l'As e il Cd inorganici sono classificati come cancerogeni per l'uomo [4]. La tossicità dei metalli pesanti è una considerazione importante negli studi medici; a livelli molto elevati, la maggior parte dei metalli pesanti può causare problemi di salute per i quali non sono state trovate cause o soluzioni. I metalli pesanti vengono continuamente rilasciati nell'ambiente terrestre da fonti naturali e da attività umane, si accumulano nell'ambiente e successivamente contaminano la catena alimentare.