Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
6th International Conference on New Trends in Social Sciences. 07- 09 December 2023. Berlin, Germany. Link: https://www.ntssconf.org/


Commented on Calls for papers in Journals 2023-2024
The University of Information Science and Technology is pleased to announce the Call for papers for the third issue of the Journal of UIST. Journal of University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” – Ohrid aims to publish high-quality scientific manuscripts on the frontier edge of information science and its applications in technology. The Journal of UIST is a peer-reviewed journal. It is published every three months. Each manuscript is peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, and after approval of the Editor in Chief, it goes through the publication process. The publication in the Journal of UIST is free of charge. Papers should be submitted online at https://journal.uist.edu.mk The scope of the Journal of UIST includes the following areas but is not limited to: Communication & Network Technology; Cybersecurity; Distributed and Parallel Computing; Blockchain; Smart Systems & IoT; Data Science; Biomedical Engineering; Metaverse, Virtual and Augmented Reality; Automation & Robotics; Applied Mathematics; Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship & Management; Digital Art and New Media Art Information Society & Digital Transformation Important dates: Paper Submission Deadline: January 31st, 2024.


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
10 Postdoctoral Fellowship at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. https://vacancyedu.com/10-postdoctoral-fellowship-at-kth-royal-institute-of-technology-stockholm-sweden/


Commented on Anti-aging research
A study by Dr. Nour Makarem at Columbia University in New York and her colleagues has found that adhering to Life’s Essential Eight checklist created by the American Heart Association (AHA) doesn’t only boost heart health but could also decelerate the biological aging process. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2401179-eight-healthy-habits-that-could-slow-your-rate-of-ageing/


Commented on Medical Advancements
World's first entire eye transplant declared a medical breakthrough. A team of surgeons in New York has performed the world's first transplant of an entire eye in a procedure widely hailed as a medical breakthrough. https://www.sciencealert.com/worlds-first-entire-eye-transplant-declared-a-medical-breakthrough


Commented on Scientific Inventions and Findings
First plasma fired up at the world’s largest fusion reactor. Japan’s JT-60SA uses magnetic fields from superconducting coils to contain a blazingly hot cloud of ionized gas, or plasma, within a doughnut-shaped vacuum vessel in the hope of coaxing hydrogen nuclei to fuse and release energy. The four-story-high machine is designed to hold a plasma heated to 200 million degrees Celsius for about 100 seconds, far longer than previous large tokamaks. https://www.science.org/content/article/first-plasma-fired-world-s-largest-fusion-reactor


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
4th International Conference on Nonlinear Science, Part I (ICNLS), Barcelona, Spain, January 30- February 1, 2024. Link: https://www.icnls.com/


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
4th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering (MACISE), Barcelona, Spain, January 30- February 1, 2024. Link: http://www.macise.com/


Commented on Mental health
Why handwriting is good for your brain? Over the years, research has pointed out the many advantages and benefits of writing by hand. https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2023/1108/1415296-why-handwriting-is-good-for-your-brain/ As an example, a 2021 study compared short and mid-term recall of words learned either by typing or writing by hand. Recall was better when words had been learned with a pencil and paper. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11145-021-10137-6 Any comment?


Commented on Climate Change & Global Warming
Nonprofit organization Climate Central crunched international data and calculated that from November 2022 to October 2023, Earth’s temperature was 1.3 degrees C (2.3 degrees F) above preindustrial levels, a sign of how close the world is to missing that goal and experiencing ever worsening impacts of climate change. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-just-had-the-hottest-12-month-span-in-recorded-history/


Commented on Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology: The Study of Workplace Behavior
New research found that prioritizing achievement over freedom is associated with unhappiness. Important correlations were found between value fulfillment and life satisfaction. Participants who spent time engaging with hobbies also saw a significant well-being boost. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jopy.12869


Commented on Medical Advancements
Scientists at The University of Toledo have proven that engineered bacteria can lower blood pressure, a finding that opens new doors in the pursuit of harnessing our body's own microbiome to treat hypertension. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/10/231024110551.htm


Commented on Online networking events, workshops and grant opportunities
Open calls for grants offered by the Harmonia Cost Action. The open calls are for different types of grants, such as Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) grant, ITC Conference grant, Virtual Mobility (VM) grant, and Dissemination Conference (VM) grant. Link: https://harmonia-cost.eu/open-calls/


Commented on Online networking events, workshops and grant opportunities
A new scholarship and visa package announced by the government will support international undergraduates, doctoral students, and early career researchers to study AI and data science subjects in the UK. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/news/scholarship-month-uk-government-ai-scholarship-and-visa-package


Commented on Management issues in higher education
This an exciting article beneficial for educational leaders. The blog post explains how digital marketing can help schools attract and engage with prospective international students and how a marketing agency can assist them with their online recruitment strategies. https://www.higher-education-marketing.com/blog/partnering-with-a-marketing-agency-for-international-student-recruitment