Jade Ma

United States MGH


Commented on An active learning-oriented error-based stopping criterion for efficient structural reliability analysis
Are there anyways this is being applied to real-world structural reliability?


Commented on Scientific Writing
interesting masterclass on scientific writing https://masterclasses.nature.com/online-course-in-scientific-writing-and-publishing/16507840?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw98ujBhCgARIsAD7QeAg66PKeZp4oQedRjcPaQdlSGxc3GgsnCrPAzM1x0OjNncs31hQWpiYaAkxtEALw_wcB


Commented on Publish Beginnings
helpful wikipedia of open access journals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open-access_journals, do you think open access journals are on the same par?


Commented on A predictive psychological health model for women performance at work
Have you also looked at this in other genders?


Commented on Design and Development of a Smart Pen for Dyslexics
This is really cool! Are you planning on conducting any large studies on it's effect?


Commented on Advances in Cancer Research
https://www.nature.com/articles/s43018-023-00554-7 A sense-antisense RNA interaction promotes breast cancer metastasis via regulation of NQO1 expression


Commented on Workation, work from home, hybrid work
https://siepr.stanford.edu/publications/policy-brief/how-working-home-works-out Key Takeaways Forty-two percent of U.S. workers are now working from home full time, accounting for more than two-thirds of economic activity. Policymakers should ensure that broadband service is expanded so more workers can do their jobs away from a traditional office. As companies consider relocating from densely populated urban centers in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, cities may suffer while suburbs and rural areas benefit. Working from home is here to stay, but post-pandemic will be optimal at about two days a week.


Commented on Workation, work from home, hybrid work
https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryanrobinson/2022/02/04/3-new-studies-end-debate-over-effectiveness-of-hybrid-and-remote-work/?sh=415a6c3b59b2 3 New Studies End Debate Over Effectiveness Of Hybrid And Remote Work


Commented on Scientific Writing
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4975196/#:~:text=Peer%20reviews%20are%20conducted%20by,areas%20that%20the%20journal%20covers. a survival guide on peer review


Commented on Covid-19 and lost generations
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/us/us-history-test-scores.html It’s Not Just Math and Reading: U.S. History Scores for 8th Graders Plunge


Commented on Citizen Science
https://opensource.com/life/15/7/open-science-projects-you-might-have-missed "here are 16 awesome open science projects you may have missed. Plus, three bonus reads. These are bookmark-worthy, folks"


Commented on Citizen Science
cool citizen science from NASA https://science.nasa.gov/citizenscience


Commented on Science Breakthroughs
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01616-7 Brain imaging: fMRI advances make scans sharper and faster Researchers are finding ways to improve one of neuroscientists’ favourite tools: functional magnetic resonance imaging.


Commented on Advances in Cancer Research
https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/nca50/stories/technologies-and-innovations What once seemed impossible in cancer research is now a reality thanks to a number of technological innovations that have led to breakthroughs in the ways we find, visualize, understand, and treat cancer. Continuing to explore and use these technologies can open the door to accelerate progress against this disease.