Pol Nadal

United Kingdom University of Liverpool

Published in 2019
Genetic manipulation allows in vivo tracking of the life cycle of the son-killer symbiont, Arsenophonus nasoniae, and reveals patterns of host invasion, tropism and pathology
symbiosis Arsenophonus Nasonia male-killing
Authors: Nadal-Jimenez P, Griffin JS, Davies L, Frost CL, Marcello M, Hurst GDD
Journal: Environmental Microbiology
In this manuscript, we reveal the life cycle of a male-killing bacterial endosymbiont (Arsenophonus nasoniae) using a GFP-labelled strain. We provide data on how the bacterium passes from generation to generation repeating an infective cycle where infected mother wasps will inject house fly pupae with a venom solution containing the bacterium prior to laying their eggs. After hatching, wasp larvae consume the fly pupae while in parallel ingesting the bacterium. A. nasoniae then travels through the larvae gut and manages to cross the gut barrier, establishing itself in the reproductive organs of the wasp pupae to initiate a new transmission cycle.
Published in 2017
Signal Integration in Quorum Sensing Enables Cross-Species Induction of Virulence in Pectobacterium wasabiae
Quorum sensing pectobacterium Erwinia
Authors: Nadal-Jimenez P, Valente, RS, Carvalho AFP, Vieira FJD and Xavier KB.
Journal: MBio
In this manuscript, we analysed the AHL and Gac/Rsm cell-cell signalling networks of Pectobacterium spp. My work led to the discovery of a unique intrinsic relationship between these two cell-cell signalling networks in this bacterial genus, revealing that the architecture of bacterial signalling networks has evolved different hierarchies to adapt to distinct environmental cues. Additionally, we demonstrated that ExpR2, an AHL-receptor of broader signal specificity previously thought to be redundant to ExpR1, is responsible for the linkage between both cell-cell signalling networks. The architecture of these signalling networks allows Pectobacterium spp. not only to regulate gene expression according to its own cell density (intraspecies communication), but to that of other bacteria (interspecies communication) to orchestrate together a coordinated virulence response.
Published in 2014
Deinococcus radiodurans can interfere with quorum sensing by producing an AHL-acylase and an AHL- lactonase
Deinococcus Quorum sensing Quorum quenching
Authors: Koch G, Nadal-Jimenez P, Cool RH, Quax WJ
Journal: FEMS Microbiology Letters
The work here presented reveals how certain bacteria, in this case, Deinococcus radiodurans, possess both acylases and lactonases capable of degrading acyl-homoserine lactones, the major communicating molecules of Gram-negative bacteria. This finding reveals that bacteria possess multiple ways to disrupt the virulence systems of competing bacteria.
Published in 2014
Assessing Pseudomonas virulence with nonmammalian host: Galleria mellonella
Pseudomonas Galleria Quorum sensing
Authors: Koch G, Nadal-Jimenez P, Cool RH, Quax WJ
Journal: Methods in Molecular Biology
The use of mammalian models is one of the most common ways to assess virulence and the treatment effectiveness of many pharmaceuticals. Here, we demonstrate that a non-mammalian host as Galleria mellonella is an interesting alternative at least for the initial experimental phases thus reducing the need of mammals.
Published in 2014
PvdP is a tyrosinase that drives maturation of the pyoverdine chromophore in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas pyoverdine siderophores tyrosinase
Authors: Nadal-Jimenez P, Koch G, Reis CR, Muntendam R, Raj H, Jeronimus-Stratingh CM, Cool RH, Quax WJ
Journal: Journal of Bacteriology
This work revealed the function of PvdP, a tyrosinase responsible for the formation of the fluorescent Fe3-binding chromophore of pyoverdine, the major siderophore in Pseudomonas aeruginosa involved in virulence and survival. PvdP is the tyrosinase with the largest substrate found to date.
Published in 2014
Reducing virulence of the human pathogen Burkholderia by altering the substrate specificity of the quorum-quenching acylase PvdQ
Burkholderia quorum quenching acylase rational mutagenesis
Authors: Koch G, Nadal-Jimenez P, Reis CR, Muntendam R, Bokhove M, Melillo E, Dijkstra BW, Cool RH, Quax WJ
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
In this work, we demonstrate how a quorum-quenching acylase effective in reducing virulence in some bacteria can be altered to increase its specificity range or to target an alternative group of pathogens. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we transformed PvdQ into an effective anti-Burkholderia treatment.
Published in 2012
The acylase PvdQ has a conserved function among fluorescent Pseudomonas spp.
quorum sensing quorum quenching acylase Pseudomonas
Authors: Koch G, Nadal-Jimenez P et al.
Journal: Environmental Microbiology Reports
PvdQ is an acylase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a dual function, both as quorum quencher and as part of the pyoverdine biogenesis pathway. Here, we characterised the PvdQ homologues from two other fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. and an additional P. aeruginosa strain verifying that these functions are conserved.
Published in 2012
The multiple signaling systems regulating virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Quorum sensing Pseudomonas signalling pathways
Authors: Nadal-Jimenez P, Koch G, Thompson JA, Xavier KB, Cool RH, Quax WJ
Journal: Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
This is the first review where all the cell-cell signalling networks of the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa are compiled. I discuss here the most studied networks, as well as minor networks that are often disregarded but play important roles in the full virulence cascade of this pathogen.
Published in 2010
The quorum-quenching N-acyl homoserine lactone acylase PvdQ is an Ntn-hydrolase with an unusual substrate-binding pocket
Quorum sensing Quorum quenching Pseudomonas acylase
Authors: Bokhove M, Nadal Jimenez P, Quax WJ and Dijkstra BW.
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Here we revealed the structure of PvdQ. This was the first quorum-quenching acylase structure solved and set the basis for the future work to alter the specificity of its substrates. The mechanism of action of this enzyme constitutes an exquisite opportunity for future work on the fight against bacterial infections.
Published in 2009
The role of PvdQ in Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence under iron limiting conditions
Pseudomonas acylase quorum quenching siderophore
Authors: Nadal Jimenez P, Koch G, Papaioannou E, Wahjudi M, Krzeslak J, Coenye T, Cool RH, Quax WJ
Journal: Microbiology
In this manuscript we show how under iron limiting conditions, the acylase PvdQ is naturally expressed to participate in the biosynthesis of the siderophore pyoverdine. In addition, using a pvdQ mutant, we demonstrate that PvdQ is also required for biofilm formation, thus contributing to virulence under these conditions.