Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


评论了 Landscapes, Global Change, and Health
Our environment plays a bigger role than we may think in terms of health outcomes and what we regulate for our climate can have huge impacts on health.


评论了 NISS/FCSM AI in Federal Government: Challenges in Confidentiality, Privacy, and Ethics for Use of AI
Transparency is absolutely key because the power of AI will only grow and there are regulations needed to ensure ethical and responsible use.


评论了 Hidden Hazards: Water Table Flooding and Coastal Contamination
This is very important and helpful they are tracking this because that flooding can create huge impacts.


评论了 Myocarditis following mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccines: correspondence
It is very important to preface information where this can have potential negative effects and not be clear on if it is based on the vaccine. It is the high level of transparency that is important to communicate to the public where the evidence and conclusions may be misled.


评论了 statistical analysis
Hi Huda, What statistical methods and/packages do you utilize and are most comfortable with?


评论了 Exploring the potential of native Brazilian fruits for the production of novel low-alcohol fermented beverages
Interesting to see alternatives and this trend of these types of drinks. It can open up a lot of options.


评论了 Fighting off journal rejections on the path to manuscript acceptance
Really helpful in preparation of a manuscript and submission to avoid common errors.


评论了 The Anchor Strategy — A Place-Based Business Approach for Health Equity
Building across communities and investing in places that need more resources, I can see how that can address health inequity and build community and having growth.


评论了 It’s Written on Your Face: How Emotional Variation in Super Bowl Advertisements Influences Ad Liking
With this event coming up in a week, commercials really do make us feel different things and the combination of what we feel can definitely determine if we as consumers like the ad or not.


评论了 Research on sports reform in the network era based on educational psychology in the context of the COVID-19
In this day and age, adaptation is key especially when it comes to online education and figuring out how to best create the learning environment and experience for various majors or subjects.


评论了 Education Activities for Responsible Analyses of Complex, Large-Scale Data (R25- Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
I think this is great to enhance the research workforce and how to approach large datasets: for more information


评论了 Using Community Health Advisors to Increase Lung Cancer Screening Awareness in the Black Belt: a Pilot Study
Education is very important and having the capacity to carry that out is great. However, as the authors stated, there may be barriers in which prevents the community to have access to screenings.


评论了 Canine Food Dispenser
As a recent fur dad, this is really great to see the functionality.


评论了 Drug Tales | Painting the Big Picture
I see how line of communication is crucial. That feedback and follow-up can be lost, so emphasis should be made to trace health status of a patient.


评论了 Organizational Spotlight: The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
They really are at the forefront in advancement and addressing health issues ongoing and preparing us for the future.