Verified Reviews - Materials Horizons
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

polymer2020 2021-12-21

This magazine feels like it is on the same level as AFM and ACS Nano, at least very close, and has been classified into the second tier.

xujianhua 2021-12-21

Indeed, it's just nonsense! Materials Horizons is already in the second tier.

润成 2021-12-21

The division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has hurt the hearts of Chinese researchers and will inevitably be abandoned, so that Chinese scientific research can develop in a healthy direction.

polymer2020 2021-12-20

This year, Materials Horizons has become a second-tier journal in its field.

乞讨式科研 2021-11-26

2021.08.28 Submission;
2021.09.03 Under review;
2021.09.28 Major revision; Three reviewers provided very positive feedback, but asked nearly 40 questions (lll¬ω¬). Two minor revisions and one major revision were made, and the editor requested the major revision.
2021.11.04 Revised manuscript returned; Responded to nearly 60 pages of comments, added a significant amount of simulated work. Received two reminders during the process of manuscript revision, which was quite stressful.
2021.11.09 Resubmission;
2021.11.16 Acceptance

The rejection from AFM and transfer to MH was very efficient. Hopefully, MH's influence keeps expanding and becomes even better!

嗑盐小学渣 2021-08-19

The second work during my PhD period
6.30 submit/initial assessment
7.6 with editor
7.9 in peer review
8.3 major revision
8.12 revised manuscript submit/ in peer review
8.18 additional file request (there is a small issue in ESI)
8.19 accept
The efficiency of MH is quite high. Previously, this work was rejected by AFM for review and it took a month to make revisions, reorganize the article, and conduct additional experiments. It was then submitted to MH. I hope MH will keep improving!

舟舟 2021-06-19

2021.05.26 Submit for review

舟舟 2021-06-19

2021.05.18 Post
2021.05.16 Under review
2021.06.07 Major repair
2021.06.13 Return
2021.06.16 Receive
Lightning-fast speed 666...

xu-sjtu 2021-05-30

One week +1 post, still under evaluation.

Ewald 2021-04-19

One week after submission, it is still under evaluation, hoping for good results.

zhangjunchang 2021-03-01

2021.2/25投 means "投" in 2021.2/25. "希望顺利" translates to "hope for smoothness" or "hope for success".

penguin 2021-02-26

Instant Impact Factor 12.522, the final impact factor will not differ much from this, can only say that RSC really does not know how to operate, such a well-established journal has fallen like this. Let's compare and see, in the same materials field, currently JMCA has an instant impact factor of 12.32, CEJ has an instant impact factor of 13.17. In the past, the gap between Materials Horizons and JMCA was quite large, at that time it was on par with AFM, but now JMCA is surpassing it, and CEJ has already surpassed it. The key point is that even with such a small publication volume, the impact factor has not been boosted. This journal is not like JACS, Angew, NC, PNAS, which are journals that do not focus on impact factor, so the dropping impact factor will definitely lead to a lower status. Moreover, JMCA has also dropped to the second quartile, if the impact factor of Materials Horizons continues to decrease like this, it will probably drop to the second quartile in a couple of years.

sbsn 2021-02-05

I submitted for review a total of 10 days.

原心 2021-02-05

May I ask how long it takes to send for review after "with editor"?

原心 2021-02-05

May I ask for more specific information about when the "with editor" process will take place and how long it will be until the submission? I submitted six days ago and it has been two days without any changes.

sbsn 2021-02-04

2020.12.07 Submission;
2021.01.04 Major revision;
2021.01.19 Return for revisions;
2021.01.20 Submitted for review;
2021.01.24 Sent to the editor;
2021.01.28 Submitted for review;
2021.02.03 Accepted.

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