Verified Reviews - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

浮尘_66 2023-07-20

I was hired after three minor revisions, but each time there were potential issues in the journal review process, requiring reevaluation. Now the journal has been removed from SCI. The whole process lasted for 8 months. Be cautious when submitting to Hindawi journals.

feiniur 2023-03-21

Exclude sci, there is no hope left.

feiniur 2023-03-21

Exclude sci, withdraw the paper...

feiniur 2023-03-21

Remove sci, withdraw the submission.

feiniur 2023-03-21

Will no longer be retrieved, has already been excluded from SCI.

cloud_m 2023-03-15

The journal is currently on hold and cannot be accessed. How long will this status last, and is there a possibility of re-accessing it?

毛鳄鱼 2023-03-11

2023-2-10 Submission
2023-2-14 Under Review
2023-3-7 Mini Revision
2023-3-9 Resubmission
2023-3-11 Under Review

sdfsdfdfsdfs 2023-02-21

May I ask how to withdraw a submission?

sdfsdfdfsdfs 2023-02-21

May I ask if the journal you have employed has been indexed by SCI? Can I see the WOS number?

千歌笑笑生 2023-02-19

How long do you usually hold on, WOC?

Davidtang 2023-02-16

Even if I can return to SCI, my reputation will be tarnished. I'm afraid I might even receive a warning from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I'm really scared.

aabbbbccc0001 2023-02-15

"Being on hold does not necessarily mean exclusion. What you should pay attention to is that a few medical professionals on Dingxiangyuan website have said that being on hold definitely means exclusion, but in reality, there are cases where papers on hold have been accepted by SCI journals again. At the moment, it is not recommended to submit, wait for a few months to see the results of the WOS review before making a decision."

Davidtang 2023-02-13

The text translates to: "The article has been withdrawn. We cannot let an article go to waste."

奕成 2023-02-13

On hold, please submit carefully. Mine is still under peer review.

Davidtang 2023-02-12

I submitted this journal in October 2022, but after major revisions, the journal suddenly had an accident. I checked online and found out that this journal has been put on hold in the SCI database. However, my submission is still pending approval. Generally, submissions that are put on hold are likely to be removed by SCI, so I advise everyone to be cautious when submitting.

ustczxr 2022-12-14

Yes, it is said that the special issue will be released soon, while the regular issue is indeed slow.

ustczxr 2022-12-14

This journal has page charges, and all journals under Hindawi also have page charges.

fyx2379 2022-12-12

The speed of the review is really disappointing, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. My classmate received the result after about 3 months, but mine has been pending all along. The result of the first review was acceptance. The second review has been delayed until now. If not, the editor will send an email saying there is a potential issue and change the reviewer, but they don't mention the reason. It has been 8 months since I started the submission.

开泥头车碾死恁家崽 2022-12-08

What are you submitting if it is not within the scope of the journal's submission guidelines? Are you intentionally seeking rejection?

开泥头车碾死恁家崽 2022-12-08

What are you submitting if it's not within the scope of the journal? Are you doing it on purpose or what?

开泥头车碾死恁家崽 2022-12-08

"Don't believe it, it's a scam."

开车创死恁家崽 2022-12-08

If it is slow, it can take several months, mainly because the editorial department is conducting the final review of the article content, after all, your AE may also have missed some issues.

开车创死恁家崽 2022-12-08

Register a ResearchGate account, including your representative works, and submit it for review.

开车创死恁家崽 2022-12-08

Register a research gate.

开车创死恁家崽 2022-12-08

Too much flooding, let's review and examine the papers from Chinese authors first.

开车创死恁家崽 2022-12-08

How is the current situation?

开车创死恁家崽 2022-12-08

Half a year to hire, slow enough, proves that the journal has started focusing on quality.

开车创死恁家崽 2022-12-08

Good, wish you pass the first round as soon as possible.

人畜无害老青椒 2022-12-08

Every day, they treat the warning list as if it were a decree from heaven. They spend all their efforts on pleasing the academic authorities, even if it means sacrificing their own lives. Even if a paper gets listed on the warning list, which school would say that you cannot graduate with a warning? Some people even manage to get papers published in MDPI and still receive funding from the National Natural Science Foundation. Is the warning list meant for you to use as a reference for publishing papers? They truly deserve to be academic laborers at the bottom for the rest of their lives.

人畜无害老青椒 2022-12-08

You understand the Chinese Academy of Sciences' early warning system, it's a pity that the Academy of Intelligence didn't invite you to be the director. In 2021, how did I find close to 900 articles? 2022 is not as exaggerated as you said, with 4000 articles. The special issue has basically stopped reviewing at the end of the year, so it won't continue to grow much. Have you seen any new articles in this journal recently?

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