Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

一叶一菩提 2023-08-07

Hello, may I ask how long your article has been in the "Awaiting EIC Decision" stage? My paper has been in the "Awaiting EIC Decision" stage since July 18, 2023. It has been stuck in this stage until now, and I'm not sure what's going on. It's really frustrating! Thank you very much!

Rain 2023-07-19

Recently, I submitted a manuscript to CYB for review.
Date Submitted: 26-Jun-2023
Date Assigned: 14-Jul-2023
Date Review Returned: 19-Jul-2023

Currently, the options given to the reviewers include: reject, reject & resubmit, prepare a major revision, prepare a minor revision, accept.

yx2022 2023-07-13

Share the submission process
Under Review
230701with associate editor
230705 awaiting eic decision
230713 Reject
Three reviewers, two of whom think the result is relatively good, one thinks the result seems not bad, but there are some technical issues and insufficient references. The associate editor suggests revisions, but the editor directly rejects it. Fortunately, the process was relatively fast!

linger_ 2023-07-12

May I ask if "under review" has a distinction between capital R and lowercase r? I noticed that the status of capital R and lowercase r is different in other journals.

linger_ 2023-07-12

May I ask if "under review" has a distinction between capital "R" and lowercase "r"?

清晨看露 2023-06-29

2022.2.9 submit
Submitted on February 9, 2022.

At least four reminders were sent in the middle, it's really slow.

2022.11.28 Reject and Resubmit
Rejected and requested to resubmit on November 28, 2022.

2023.2.12 resubmit
Resubmitted on February 12, 2023.

2023.6.29 With Associate Editor
Under review with the Associate Editor as of June 29, 2023.

Feeling frustrated, hoping for a chance, maybe the Associate Editor will find new reviewers.

2023.7.5 Awaiting EIC Decision
Awaiting the Editor-in-Chief's decision as of July 5, 2023.

2023.7.7 Revision - Regular Paper
Requested to revise the regular paper on July 7, 2023.

2023.7.22 resubmit, under review
Resubmitted and under review as of July 22, 2023.

linger_ 2023-06-17

How long is the review period? I submitted on February 28, 2023 and it is still under review.

renquloukong 2023-06-16

Have you given your opinion?

桔子 2023-06-13

The text "5.1日投的" translates to "Invested on May 1st."

renquloukong 2023-06-12

When did you vote?

桔子 2023-06-12

The next update may be sent by email.

桔子 2023-06-12

When did you submit it? It hasn't been updated yet. I heard it will take 2 weeks to 1 month.

心之所往 2023-06-11

Is there still no result now? My June 11th just changed to EIC status, so if the results come out, we should come out together.

心之所往 2023-06-11

How long does EIC usually last?

释怀 2023-06-09

After 40 days of review, it seems that there are two major revisions and one rejection. The editor-in-chief rejected one of them, which TCYB can understand.

renquloukong 2023-06-08

How long have you been investing?

桔子 2023-06-07

If the reviewer accepts the review, it will take 4 weeks.

桔子 2023-06-07

What is your current status?

桔子 2023-06-07

2023 5.1 submit - Submitted in May 2023.
2023 5.3 Under Review - Currently being reviewed.
2023 5.29 With AE - With Associate Editor.
2023 6.7 Awaiting EIC Decision - Waiting for Editor-in-Chief's decision.

罗娟 2023-05-25

Very good! Excellent!

cjm 2023-05-25

Continuously awaiting processing

ccmod 2023-05-16

Without urging, just hanging.

woodman 2023-05-13

2023-5-12 提交

Translation: Submit on May 12, 2023.

心之所往 2023-05-12

Is the review period so long? Did you remind the journal halfway through?

Geoffrey666 2023-04-01

Thank you, will there be a page fee charged for more than 12 pages after being hired?

pineapple001 2023-03-30

Includes references not exceeding 12 pages.

Geoffrey666 2023-03-30

Hello, may I ask: how many pages are allowed for the body of the submission?

ccmod 2023-02-13

Each round of awaiting EIC decision typically takes about 1-2 weeks.

agrichron 2023-02-05

18-Oct-2022 Awaiting Administrator Processing
25-Oct-2022 Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment
28-Oct-2022 Under Review
5-Feb-2023 Awaiting EIC Decision
9-Feb-2023 Reject

18-Oct-2022 Awaiting Administrator Processing
25-Oct-2022 Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment
28-Oct-2022 Under Review
5-Feb-2023 Awaiting EIC Decision
9-Feb-2023 Reject

沫兮子 2023-02-03

Excuse me, may I ask how long you have been awaiting the EIC decision?

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