Verified Reviews - Biomaterials Science
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Jane111 2022-10-27

May I ask for your editor's name, please?

福尔摩斯斯H 2022-10-11

I have been shooting for 49 days and have been constantly with the editor.

福尔摩斯斯H 2022-10-11

It has been 49 days since the submission. It was in peer review for three to four days, and then it has been with the editor. I wanted to ask if your status is the same. Thank you!

1122ssqq 2022-09-01

6.20 submit
6.21 initial assessment
6.21 with editor
6.23 in peer review
6.28 with editor
6.29 in peer review
7.25 major revision
8.8 Received a reminder letter from the editor (apparently a regular practice at RSC after two weeks)
8.15 revision has been submitted
8.23 accept
Review process was fast, and the feedback received was valuable. The only delay was due to slow data collection. Overall, both the editor and reviewers were quick. Thank you to the editor and reviewers encountered. Wishing the journal continuous improvement and a significant increase in impact factor.

pop123 2022-07-17

The speed is very fast, 1 month for review, 2 weeks for feedback, 2 reviewers, another week for acceptance, and another week for publication.

1122ssqq 2022-07-06

The original text is in Chinese and it says, "May I ask when did you submit? How many opinions did you receive after coming back?"

pop123 2022-06-27

The manuscript review came in one month, and the speed was very fast.

丑丑哒 2022-06-27

How long does it take to receive the proof after acceptance? I have also received the acceptance email, but haven't received the proof yet.

口腔周杰伦 2022-06-11

Brothers, is this magazine's review process fast? I've created a communication platform for this magazine ? (769308283), hoping that everyone can share their experiences more.

丑丑哒 2022-05-23

Excuse me, have you followed up on the manuscript? I have submitted it two months ago and it has been under review for a month and a half, but I haven't received any updates yet.

丑丑哒 2022-05-23

May I ask how long it takes for you to receive the review comments?

丑丑哒 2022-05-06

I have already submitted it for 48 days and it is still under review. Has anyone recently submitted to this magazine?

hcy7662 2021-09-27

7.30 Submission
8.17 Major revision
9.8 Submitted revised manuscript
9.18 Acceptance
Proofreading hasn't been requested yet, it has been ten days. The initial stages of the journal are fast, but the later stages are too slow.

游龙戏水 2021-07-28

Returning in 62 days, with a major repair and a minor repair, the editor finally provided the major repair, and now I can finally make up for the experiment...

游龙戏水 2021-07-15

This journal is really slow. After my lab on a chip submission was rejected, the editor asked me to resubmit to this one. I thought it would be quick to receive a response, but it has been over 50 days and I still haven't received any feedback. It's urgent, so be cautious when submitting.

wodesci 2021-03-27

3.8 submitted
3.9 in peer review
3.19 minor revision (The opinions of the three reviewers were very good, and one of the reviewers used the word "impressive" to comment, which I am very grateful for.)
3.26 submitted revised manuscript
3.27 Accept
The editor, Professor Xu from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, was responsible and provided many professional suggestions during the review process. The reviewers were also very efficient and conscientious. Thumbs up for their efficient reviewing! Thank you!

tony king 2021-02-26

12.7 Submission
1.6 Minor revision
1.20 Revised and sent for review
1.29 Minor revision returned on the same day
2.9 Received
2.19 Online

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