Verified Reviews - ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

赵铁蛋 2021-06-22

···First Article·· Submitted on June 8th and assigned to the editing team on June 14th. Currently, it is still in the hands of the editor. It has been assigned to Michael Tam, an editor from Canada. I wonder if foreigners will be very strict. I'm afraid.

赵铁蛋 2021-06-22

...Speechless. My submission on 6.8. The assigned editor on 6.14. It has been in the editor's hands all this time... I'm so nervous.

科研fish 2021-06-19

I want to ask if you have any recommended editors, thank you. ?

QykiF 2021-06-18

What's going on now, buddy?

科研大虫 2021-06-10

Why haven't I been assigned an editor after 8 days?

水中贵族-划水 2021-06-08

It has been 10 days in Prof Liane Rossi's hands.

科研大虫 2021-06-08

Slow as a turtle. It's been over a week since I submitted, and the editing hasn't been assigned yet. They all say ACS is fast, what a scam.

卑微投稿人 2021-06-08

The editing has been in hand for 17 days and was rejected last night.

QykiF 2021-06-08

Which editor are you?

huifeideyu 2021-06-07

I submitted it on May 23rd, and I'm still at the editorial department. Does anyone know what the situation is? Urgent.

甄的强 2021-06-05

20210219 Submission. Three weeks later, the reviewer's comments were received. There were four reviewers: one minor revision, two major revisions, and one rejection. The editor requested a resubmission after making the necessary modifications and allowed five weeks for the revisions. On 20210420, the revised manuscript was sent back. On 20210426, it was delivered to the reviewers.
On 20210517, the comments were received. One of the reviewers for the minor revision agreed to publish, while one of the reviewers for the major revision still had a minor issue. Another reviewer was added for the minor revision. The editor allowed three weeks for the modifications.
On 20210602, the comments were received. On 20210603, the manuscript was prepared to be accepted, but there were still some textual issues that needed to be addressed.
On 20210604, the R3 version was returned and accepted on the same day.

QykiF 2021-06-04

May I ask which editor is handling your article? Mine has been with the editor for a week, and it hasn't been reviewed yet. I'm in a hurry.

卑微投稿人 2021-06-02

I submitted my manuscript on May 22nd, and it has been 12 days now. It is still in the hands of the editors and has not been sent for review. What's going on?

yirankid 2021-06-01

Share the timeline:

Submitted on April 3, 2021, and assigned vice editor on the same day.
Received the first review results on April 18, with three reviewers. Revised on May 3 and returned to the reviewers for a second review on the same day.
Received an email on May 21, preparing to accept but needing some format modifications. Revised on the same day.
Proof on May 24, published three days later.
The whole process took nearly two months, which was relatively fast. I wish the journal continuous success and good luck to all the authors.

Fhk 2021-05-30

The day after submission, the assigned associate editor, who was assigned on the same day for peer review, acted swiftly.

monicaylqq 2021-05-28

Posted on May 27th, assigned an editor on the same day of submission. Will provide further updates later, hoping for a good outcome.

SZYyzs 2021-05-24

May I ask how long it takes to review after being assigned as the associate editor?

SZYyzs 2021-05-24

How long does it take to submit for review after being assigned as associate editor?

Fhk 2021-04-26

The second article in Chinese. Here are the time points:
Submitted on February 10, 2021. On February 11, on the eve of Chinese New Year, the associate editor was assigned in the afternoon.
The first review ended on March 13, with four reviewers giving positive feedback and raising nearly 40 questions. There were not many additional contents to be added. Revised on April 10 and immediately sent for review on the same day.
On April 23, the teacher received an email stating "accept pending" and requested some formatting changes and confirmation of copyright issues. Revised on the same day.
The magazine has been getting better in recent years, and the review process is very strict, with first-round feedback usually given within three to four weeks. Wishing sustainable chemical engineering to continue to thrive.

jiafeimao123 2021-04-11

How are you, brother?

哦吼 2021-04-09

The journals in the first zone are generally difficult...

哦吼 2021-04-09

I am also this professor, mine has already accepted, and the professor is pretty nice.

哦吼 2021-04-09

The review process is fast, and the results will be available in less than three months.

迷失自我的青椒 2021-04-09

Now it is very stressful to submit manuscripts. Just in March, there were already over 700 manuscript numbers. Judging by this acceptance rate, I feel like I have no chance. How can I find a journal with a smaller manuscript number?

jiafeimao123 2021-04-09

Brother, how are you doing? Is the editor strict or not?

sum-m 2021-04-05

It has been a month and a half...

Pcrazy 2021-04-01

I am also this Indian editor Prof. T. Pradeep, and he is really amazing! Before the plagiarism check, I didn't pass, but he gave me two more chances to check it. He is very responsible and I feel that he is very considerate towards us humble students who submit manuscripts. He also handles manuscripts quickly, it's just that I am the one who procrastinates...

CESHINE 2021-03-26

Six reviewers!!! Gave minor revisions.

Qiangting 2021-03-23

I don't have any markings, so I wrote "none". I asked the boss if it doesn't affect, it's okay.

雁过留声 2021-03-23

OP, if you switch to submitting to ACS journals, do you need to indicate that you have already submitted to other journals when submitting your manuscript?

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