Verified Reviews - Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

明天 2022-04-21

The few journals you mentioned have either a high self-citation rate or have been rejected multiple times.

shuaidaiguo 2022-04-21

I have searched several journals that have been on hold in recent years, and now they have all been kicked out of SCI. So there is a high possibility that this time it will also be kicked out. Ah! I was just accepted at the end of March and was quite happy. This blow is too big! Barbie Q it.
Here are some journal names you can refer to:
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
Acta Microscopica
Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica

魅眸 2022-04-20

What should we do with articles after 2021? When will we be able to access them again?

xycwnd 2022-04-20

Latest news: Clarivate Analytics released the latest SCI catalog yesterday. The journal is still there, but its status remains on hold, so we still have to wait.

九年 2022-04-20

Isn't it urgent? Just received a revision notice and don't know what to do.

wogting 2022-04-20

What is the current situation of the journal? Did the editor say anything? When will it be retrievable?

Haydon 2022-04-19

How to write a retraction letter in this situation in order to persuade the editor to retract the paper?

dzcx 2022-04-19

No reply, now his reply is not significant, the most crucial thing at present is the web of science review result.

冷月无痕2 2022-04-19

You all said you want to withdraw the submission. Who can explain what exactly happened? I am still confused. This is my first time submitting to this, and it seemed quite formal. I saw that even some teachers submitted to this. So why withdraw the submission?

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-19

If there is no problem with the review results and I am not kicked out, I can still be searched. If I am kicked out, then I'm gone.

你好 2022-04-19

Did the editor reply to you?

你好 2022-04-19

After the review, can the articles from 2021 still be retrieved?

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-19

This is not a retraction, you just cannot find it on Web of Science now.

你好 2022-04-19

May I ask, how can I find retraction notices? I cannot find my article from last year on Web of Science, but I can find it on SpringerLink. Does this mean it has been retracted??

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-19

Is it too late? Is there still a good chance of being accepted? Are people ready to withdraw their submissions?

CCT 2022-04-19

Is it too late by the end of June? I urgently need proof now. I wonder if it's not possible to obtain the proof anymore. Regarding the journal you asked about earlier, how did they respond to the retrieval certificate?

dzcx 2022-04-19

I don't know, but I estimate that the results should be available at the latest by the end of June this year when the JCR impact factor and partition are updated.

wogting 2022-04-19

How long can it last on hold?

dzcx 2022-04-19

Another journal, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, had a similar incident last year, where the guest editor's email was hacked and the journal's special issue was targeted by paper mills, resulting in a flood of inexplicable papers. Now, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing is in the same state as AJGS.

Haydon 2022-04-18

How to write a withdrawal letter in this situation?

wogting 2022-04-18

Do you want to withdraw the submission? When will the result be available on WOS?

PingWu_ZJU2018 2022-04-18

Sent a withdrawal letter, but received no response or feedback. I reckon the editorial department must be very busy these days.

dzcx 2022-04-18

Yes, this journal was only indexed in SCI before, not EI. I sent an email, but the editorial department did not respond. In the Master Journal List on Web of Science, if you search for this journal and click on "on hold," you can see the English statement below. For now, it seems we can only wait and hope for good luck for the journal.

popkartsss 2022-04-18

This journal should not have been EI in the first place. If it is not included in SCI, then it is nothing.

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-18

Just finished the major repairs and returned for another review. I don't know whether to withdraw or not. It's a bit tricky, does it count as SCI or EI?

bonneenee 2022-04-18

At the end of March, just after being hired, this incident happened, which is a bit unreasonable.

会飞的岛 2022-04-18

Brothers, do you have any journals to recommend for withdrawing our submission? I feel that this journal is a bit risky...

会飞的岛 2022-04-18

Is it so outrageous... I submitted it at the end of February, and it was just updated the day before yesterday. If it cannot be retrieved by SCI in the future, will it be changed to EI?

明天 2022-04-18

Concerns have been raised about the quality of the content published in this journal. The journal is currently undergoing re-evaluation based on our selection criteria. No new content will be indexed during this re-evaluation process.

Once the evaluation is complete, the publisher will be notified of the outcome. The journal will either be removed from coverage if it no longer meets the quality criteria or remain covered if it continues to meet the quality criteria.

At present, it is uncertain whether the articles currently accepted will be included in SCI (Science Citation Index).

明天 2022-04-18

Concerns have been expressed regarding the standard of the material published in this journal. The journal is currently undergoing reassessment based on our selection standards, and no new content will be included in the index while this process is underway.

Once the evaluation is finished, the publisher will be notified of the results. Depending on whether the journal still fulfills the quality criteria, it will either be excluded from future coverage or be maintained under coverage.

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