Verified Reviews - Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

千山飞鸟 2022-04-18

Speed retreat, I'm also leaving. If you don't reply, I will send an email every day.

PingWu_ZJU2018 2022-04-18

Last night, I sent an email directly to the editorial department. That contact in the system...

xycwnd 2022-04-17

If the article is withdrawn, I want to ask everyone who to write an email to. I sent an email to the editor-in-chief asking about the current situation of the journal, but I haven't received a reply.

PingWu_ZJU2018 2022-04-17

I have been waiting for 5 months without any news. Today, when I saw the forum, should I withdraw or not?

dzcx 2022-04-17

Graduation requires obtaining a retrieval certificate, but he cannot find it in the web core search engine, so he cannot obtain the retrieval certificate.

静静呀 2022-04-17

Can I still graduate relying on this?

dzcx 2022-04-17

As soon as there is news, I will come over and inform everyone.

dzcx 2022-04-17

No reply yet, wait until tomorrow to see. I guess the foreigners won't work on weekends either.

红鼻子小黑 2022-04-17

How is it going? How did the editor respond?

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-17

Indeed, just now I searched for it but couldn't find it. Being unable to retrieve it from a broad spectrum implies that it is not SCI.

dzcx 2022-04-17

The withdrawn manuscripts are all from that special issue. There were no withdrawn manuscripts from the regular submissions, and as a result, they cannot be retrieved in the search.

地质娃 2022-04-17

According to the retraction notice on the journal's official website, the editor-in-chief and publisher have withdrawn this article. The article was submitted as part of a special issue guest edited by the author. The publisher's investigation found numerous issues with many articles, including but not limited to compromised editorial handling and peer review process, inappropriate or irrelevant references, or being outside the scope of the journal or guest editor. Therefore, based on the investigation results, the editor-in-chief no longer has confidence in the results and conclusions of this article.

dzcx 2022-04-16

I emailed the editor-in-chief to see what the journal has to say. First, let's see if the journal can help to contact Web of Science to resolve the issue.

学习交流 2022-04-16

2021/06 Launch
Major maintenance for four wheels
Minor maintenance for two wheels
Proof online on the second day
Fast speed
But it is said to have slow retrieval capability.

伪装 2022-04-15

It's over, it's over. It turns out there was a Latin American SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), but they deleted several years of retrieval data. The following year, it was kicked out. This journal seems to be in danger too.

chanhuizhe 2022-04-15

The articles after 2021 are all gone.

书生 2022-04-15

In 2021, there was only one paper in WOS, and there were so many withdrawals. It's really disappointing.

xycwnd 2022-04-15

Indeed! I couldn't find it either. What's going on?

gason 2022-04-15

Yesterday I found that the journal's articles for the year 2022 cannot be retrieved on Web of Science. Today, I tried again and found that the articles for 2021 have also been deleted. Does anyone know what's going on? Has it been removed?

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-12

It's better to introduce the text of the picture next to you.

一个小朋友 2022-04-12

Hello, where is the best place to put the pictures in a thesis? Should they be placed after the text?

伪装 2022-04-12

This journal recently had a special issue with a large-scale retraction of manuscripts, indicating that there might have been excessive submissions through intermediaries. The reason for the retractions was that the editor-in-chief and the publisher believed that the peer review process was not standardized and the article topics did not align with the scope of the special issue. The reason for retraction last year was that the conclusions of the articles were absurd.

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-11

Bro, how long will it take for you to get the news about the return?

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-11

Hey bro, what's the result? Is it major repair or minor repair?

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-11

Bro, what's the result? Is it a major overhaul as well?

搞科研的孩子 2022-04-11

Brother, do you have any information about the time for the second review after the major renovation?

千山飞鸟 2022-04-11

My review feedback was also deemed acceptable after major revision and re-evaluation. After making careful modifications based on expert opinions, it was accepted. Personally, I feel that this feedback is more preferable than the suggestion for a major revision.

千山飞鸟 2022-04-11

The first submission to this journal, overall feeling is quite good.

xycwnd 2022-04-10

I have also been waiting for the proof for almost 10 days.

年轮 2022-04-10

Online on the third day after proof.

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