Verified Reviews - Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

清风asdfh 2023-06-20

The journals have all been kicked out by SCI, so what's the point of submitting anything anymore?

回忆小怪兽 2023-06-18

It has been a month since I submitted, and there is still no news.

~Loong~ 2023-06-10

Even if I reenter, the previous one should not count.

hz 2023-04-03

Has the withdrawal of the manuscript been successful now? The editor is not replying, how should we handle it?

hz 2023-04-03

Did the final withdrawal of the manuscript succeed? It seems like the editor is ignoring it. How should we handle it?

搞科研的孩子 2022-12-12

Can you search? Just kidding everyone.

Txc 2022-12-06

Short is three to five years, long is a lifetime.

zjf1993 2022-12-01

When can this journal re-enter SCI? It was just kicked out in 22, so frustrating.

cyln1f 2022-11-30

Now it can be indexed in the web of science, but without a WOS number, it is still useless.

Txc 2022-11-01

Indeed, I was T'd, and I can't retrieve reports from 21 years ago anymore. It's very annoying.

马敏 2022-10-25

How do you see that this journal has been "T-ed" out?

Never 2022-10-16

I am also in the same situation, speechless ?. Originally, I was supposed to graduate, but ended up being kicked out.

搞科研的孩子 2022-10-09

Trash journals, very deceptive, have trapped a large number of people who hope to graduate.

郭大胆 2022-10-07

After being removed by Web of Science, it was also deleted by Scopus.

lcx15510 2022-09-14

Does the SCI indexing certificate issued in January of the 22nd year have a WOS number?

wayne667 2022-09-08

It seems like it's not working out, I just can't retrieve the report. It's giving me a headache every time I try to look at it. I don't know what to do.

Lucky Judy 2022-09-08

The book published in March was rejected in June, which is really disappointing. Removing it from SCI, what is that? Is it EI? Hopefully, it's not a low-quality publication. Can it still be considered for awards? Sob, sob, sob.

cuiliwei 2022-08-30

This journal is a bit ridiculous, it has deceived others and also deceived itself, can only be described as speechless.

跟你说趁早你不听 2022-08-02

Isn't it abnormal to be kicked out? A publication named after geology unexpectedly includes many essays on art photography. At least take a photo of a fault and write a paragraph about it. The layout is as abundant as a photography collection.

shuiwawa 2022-07-21

There is no online submission, and they have not responded to the withdrawal email for two months.

搞科研的孩子 2022-07-21

Basically, it is not very meaningful for you to withdraw the submission online now. Even if you resubmit it after checking for plagiarism, it will still not pass.

shuiwawa 2022-07-21

Is there anyone who has successfully withdrawn their accepted manuscript? I am seeking contact information and methods. The journal is currently unresponsive to withdrawal requests. It has been two months since my paper was accepted on May 23rd and I still haven't been able to withdraw it.

rockU 2022-07-19

What can be determined is that this journal is definitely rejected. The question is whether the papers published after being kicked out can still be indexed or not.

rockU 2022-07-19

I submitted it in January this year, but still haven't received any response from the first review. I only found out yesterday that it was rejected by JCR. I have sent a withdrawal notice to the editor. This means the graduation will be delayed again. Sigh.

豆豆12 2022-07-19

I just checked, but there is none. Where did you search from?

ZTY 2022-07-19

98 articles have already been indexed in 2022, but they were all published in December 2021. I don't know what's going on, and the statement on the journal's homepage is also missing. Can any expert come out and explain?

wql1997 2022-07-17

Can I withdraw my submission after it has been published?

wwyyhhh 2022-07-16

After December, it will no longer be SCI? Where can we see the news?

99999 2022-07-05

I didn't read these before investing, and now I'm screwed.

99999 2022-07-05

Asked, it won't recover. Sent me a long string of content, can't send it here.

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