Verified Reviews - Structural Control & Health Monitoring
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

mingyunjianshu 2022-09-17

As the first author of the paper, it was submitted in November last year. There were two major revisions during the process, and each time the review process took about a month. The speed was not slow, and it was officially accepted on September 15th.

再见暮良 2021-09-22

2021-6-18 article received
2021-6-19 under review
2021-8-28 evaluating recommendation
2021-8-30 major revision
2021-9-9 article received
2021-9-13 under review
2021-9-21 evaluating recommendation
2021-9-21 accept

This article was processed very quickly. Both reviewers provided positive evaluations. One reviewer had no suggested modifications, while the other provided six suggestions and received a 3900-word response. The article was accepted shortly after submission. However, this journal typically takes about six months, or even more than a year if the process is slow.

文论 2021-07-31

How long does it take for the publication to appear online after being hired?

文论 2021-07-31

2020.07.19 Submission
2021.03.16 Major revision
2021.05.24 Minor revision
2021.07.22 Minor revision
2021.07.27 Revision
2021.07.30 Accepted

山320 2021-05-24

2020-11-18 awaiting admin processing
2020-11-19 under review
2021-2-19 major revision
2021-3-30 article received
2021-3-31 under review
2021-5-24 accept

2020-11-18: Awaiting administrative processing
2020-11-19: Under review
2021-2-19: Major revision
2021-3-30: Article received
2021-3-31: Under review
2021-5-24: Accepted

91long 2021-04-28

2020-07-01 Submission
2020-07-01 Under review
2020-12-03 Evaluating recommendation
2020-12-03 Major revision
2020-12-22 Article received
2020-12-22 Under review
2021-02-26 Evaluating recommendation
2021-02-26 Accept


2020-07-01 Submission
2020-07-01 Under review
2020-12-03 Evaluating recommendation
2020-12-03 Major revision
2020-12-22 Article received
2020-12-22 Under review
2021-02-26 Evaluating recommendation
2021-02-26 Accept

文论 2021-03-10

Under review for 6 months
It has been almost a month evaluating the recommendation
Feeling so slow...

mandarine 2021-02-06

Hello, I would like to ask, when submitting, do I need to fill in the editor's name in the system? Where can I find the editor's information?

hugo_go 2021-01-13

06-Aug-2020 Submitted
03-Nov-2020 Major Revision
26-Nov-2020 R1. Submitted
09-Jan-2021 Accept

06-Aug-2020 Submitted
03-Nov-2020 Major Revision
26-Nov-2020 R1. Submitted
09-Jan-2021 Accept

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