Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

morepaper 2021-07-29

The following text translates to English as: "It has been almost eight months since submission, with two reminders, and it is still under review. It's truly speechless."

Serena Wu 2021-07-27

The journal quality is good, but the review process is too slow. It has been almost a month since I submitted to the journal, and the reminder has not yielded any results.

雅萍子 2021-07-04

It has been ten days and it is still "Submitted to Journal". May I ask when did your manuscript start to be processed by the editor?

雅萍子 2021-07-04

It has been ten days and it is still "Submitted to Journal". May I ask when will your editing process begin?

Zealous_Citizen 2021-06-08

2020.11.29 Submission
2020.12.10 with editor
2021.12.20 under review
2021.03.05 First review completed: Major revisions (two reviewers)
2021.05.02 Major revisions returned
2021.06.03 under review
It has been over 7 months since the submission, and there is still no result. To be honest, the reviewing process has slowed down.

sjtuer-老孙 2021-05-13

I submitted the manuscript in January last year, and it was only accepted after revision in December, with a total cycle of nearly 11 months. As for the journal, it is a sister publication of Signal Processing, an established journal in the field of signal processing and multimedia. The drawbacks are: long review process, high difficulty, and sharp questions raised by reviewers. The advantages are: good reputation, professional and responsible reviewers, helpful review comments for improving the quality of the paper, and no publication fee. I suggest that students who are in a hurry to graduate should consider submitting elsewhere. I hope my experience can help everyone.

zlh 2021-04-27

The two words that describe this journal now are: absurd.

zznnss 2021-04-25

2020.2.12 Submission
2021.1.29 Major revision
Currently under review

CV路上一名研究僧 2021-04-24

The second review has long been completed, but it has been delayed by the editor and it took a long time to receive the acceptance notice. This journal has a moderate difficulty level, and if it wasn't for the recent slow pace in the past year or two, it would be a good choice.

morepaper 2021-03-29

Too slow, three months or with editor

CV路上一名研究僧 2021-03-16

The first review is relatively fast, about two months. The second review is too slow. The revised manuscript was submitted in early May last year. There was a reminder once in between. The system showed that the second review was completed in early December. Multiple reminders have been sent, but there has been no response with the review comments so far. This journal used to be quite fast, but in the past year or two, it has been slow to the point of being touching. It is said that there has been a change in the editor, who is very irresponsible. Hopefully, there will be good results soon. It has been delayed for over a year.

Johnxuxu 2021-03-09

The situation is almost the same as yours, lasting for a year. The second review also had the same reviewer. This journal is really rubbish! I can't believe it. I will never submit to it again. I'm really speechless.

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