Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

阳光男孩123 2023-06-08

Has anyone made any progress? It has been over two months and we are still "submitting to journals." I have contacted the Support Center multiple times, but it hasn't been effective. Last time, customer service said they would directly contact the Journal manager, but a week has passed and there hasn't been any change. Can anyone find the editor-in-chief's email? It is not displayed on the homepage, and I couldn't find it online either.

fayipianyiqu 2023-06-01

I feel that guy is trying to boost his ratings.

fayipianyiqu 2023-06-01

How should I put it, I don't believe the words of that guy upstairs who brushes positive reviews. I have been submitting for a month and still haven't reached the editor, so slow.

动物世界 2023-06-01

Feels very good, very okay.

唐老鸭呀 2023-06-01

Feels great, awesome!

wc 2023-06-01

June 1, 2023. The revised version of the article was submitted to the journal, and it has been two and a half months since then. I have no idea what the editor is doing, and sending reminder emails hasn't been effective. Sigh.

fayipianyiqu 2023-05-29

I have also been seven days, and I haven't reached the editor yet.

蜗牛喔 2023-05-25

2023.04.10 submitted to Journal
2023.05.25 submitted to Journal
2023.06.03 submitted to Journal
Is it normal for the submission process to take three months? Has anyone else experienced this? Does this mean that the paper has not yet reached the editor? Why is it taking so long? Can I send a reminder letter now?

GAO-MONT 2023-05-04

The editor doesn't know what's going on. The status of my submission has been stuck in March on the update time, and I haven't received any response to my emails either.

GAO-MONT 2023-05-02

There has been no progress for 5 months in the second trial.

日落黄昏 2023-04-13

Me too, I submitted it in February and it is still being sent to the magazine.

xxxxqqq 2023-04-03

May I ask what field the original poster is working in? I submitted my contribution in February, and it's already April but it still hasn't reached the editor's hands. I'm so frustrated.

wc 2023-04-01

November 1, 2022 First submission
January 19, 2023 Feedback received (major revision)
March 16, 2023 Revised version submitted
April 1, 2023 Revised version submitted to the journal (It's been half a month, why hasn't it been reviewed yet?)

xxxxqqq 2023-03-28

I also want to withdraw my manuscript. This journal is too slow. Can anyone please tell me how to withdraw a manuscript?

xxxxqqq 2023-03-28

How did the original poster withdraw the manuscript? I emailed the editor to request withdrawal, but there was no clear response. I'm really fed up with this journal.

王王王王王11 2023-02-27

May I ask how long you have submitted with the editor? I have submitted for two months and the status has not been updated. I withdrew the submission and resubmitted it four to five days ago, and it is still in the submission process.

czy 2022-11-30

May I ask if it is required to upload the original code and data for reproduction when submitting to this journal? Thank you for your response.

buxixi 2022-08-11

21 February submission
Under review in March
First major revision in October
Second major revision in April 22
Accepted in July
It took nearly a year and a half, the reviewers were responsible, and their comments were helpful in improving the quality of the paper. However, the review process was very slow, there were cases where reviewers could not be found, and the editorial handling was slow. For those in a hurry to graduate, please be cautious! Very cautious!

阿姆斯特朗 2022-05-22

Brother, may I ask if the status of your article has changed?

linaom 2022-04-19

Posted in July 2021
First review in February 2022
Revised in March 2022
Currently under review

wbbb 2022-04-09

Posted on March 26th, it is still being submitted to the journal. This speed is unbelievable. I hope it can be processed faster.

新进青椒 2022-04-06

2022.2.23 Submission
2022.4.6 Submitted to Journal,
Consulted twice, not helpful,
Decided to withdraw the submission, will not submit to this journal again.

新进青椒 2022-03-15

2022.2.23 Submission
2022.3.15 Submitted to Journal
2022.3.11 Sent an email inquiry once, was informed that it has been submitted to the journal. Due to a large number of submissions, further waiting is required.

早起的鸟儿 2022-01-07

May I ask, which quartile does this journal currently belong to in the field of chemistry according to JCR?

Zealous_Citizen 2022-01-07

No, it has been revised in the middle. The reviewer is very good and has reviewed it very carefully. They have provided many suggestions, which greatly improve the quality of the thesis.

zznnss 2021-12-05

May I ask if you received it on November 28th after it was under review since June 3rd for major repairs?

滴眼液 2021-11-26

Submitted in April, major revisions in July, returned in September, minor revisions again by the end of October. Overall, the speed of the reviewers is quite fast, but the journal's editors are particularly slow. It took a while for the initial email urging them to assign an editor. "Required review completed" and "decision in process" statuses lasted several days. It has been half a month since the minor revisions were submitted, but there is no one handling it. I dared to urge them once for the first submission, but now I am afraid to do so again.

zznnss 2021-11-09

2020.2.10 Submission
2020.12.05 Major revision
2021.01.29 Revised
2021.03.18 Under review
2021.08.11 Major revision again
2021.09.27 Revised
2021.10.14 Under review
Still waiting~~ Be cautious in submitting if you are in a hurry to graduate~~

pppeeeyyy 2021-08-24

Overall, it's alright. The opinions of the two reviewers are quite fair, which is helpful to some extent. With a good reputation, I hope it will continue to improve in the future.

Zealous_Citizen 2021-08-17

Addition: The status time changed on August 2, 2021. It is still under review. Sigh, the first review seems to have no end in sight.

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