Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

wangcq 2022-08-06

1) To ensure clarity, use arrows, as shown in figure 2a, to indicate the corresponding ordinate axis for all figures that have two ordinates.
2) What happened to the aqueous rinse solution after regenerating the adsorbent?
3) Some comments should be included regarding the treatment or confinement that the adsorbent underwent or would undergo after being used in the adsorption process.

wangcq 2022-08-06

Reviewer #4: Separation and Purification Technology

Manuscript Draft-SEPPUR-D-22-02143R1

This manuscript discusses the use of a hierarchically porous carbon adsorbent derived from synthetized lotus pollen for the adsorption removal of a textile dye. The manuscript is well-written and scientifically sound. It presents a novel carbon adsorbent that demonstrates a high adsorption capacity for the investigated textile contaminant. The manuscript also provides information on the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption process, as well as the reuse and stability of the adsorbent.

wangcq 2022-08-06

Today, the article has finally been accepted after three reviews. Let me first talk about the submission process:
3.31 Submission
4.2 Under review
5.15 Major revision, revision time: one month
6.1 Revision submitted
6.2 2nd Under review
7.11 Minor revision, revision time: 2 weeks
7.18 Revision submitted
7.19 3rd Under review
8.6 Accept.

From the first submission to acceptance, the article took a total of 4 months and one week. The first and second reviews were within expectations. What's difficult to understand is the handling by the editor after the second review. Let's first look at the comments from the reviewers after the second review:

Separation and Purification Technology

Editor and Reviewer comments:

Reviewer #3: publish as is.

王王王 2022-08-05

The text in English is: Two days were directly rejected, the speed of the journal is undeniable.

三千块 2022-07-27

This publication is still quite fast.

Tise 2022-07-22

Shuguang Deng, the editor, is very good. The review was completed in just one week.

二源 2022-07-21

Submitted on May 18th, returned for revision in early June, with three reviewers assigned. The editor requested major revisions and provided a three-week revision period. Upon resubmission, only two reviewers accepted the revised manuscript. One rejected it, while the other accepted it. The editor requested major revisions again, and after the second round of revisions, it took approximately two weeks for acceptance. Many thanks to editor Shuguang Deng for providing the opportunity for a second revision.

黛芙妮的异想世界 2022-07-21

The date changed once in the middle, and now it is under the status of "r". I am really anxious and restless, like sitting on pins and needles...

wxywxy 2022-07-21

6.21 major revision
7.5 sent back
7.20 accepted

nibareo 2022-07-19

5.11 submit, with editor
5.12 under review
5.29 major revision
6.18 resubmit
6.19 with editor
6.20 under review
6.29 rrc
6.29 accept

Overall, the journal's processing speed is very fast, and the comments provided by the editor and reviewers are very constructive. The processing speed and attitude are both very nice. From submission to acceptance, it took less than two months, and the submission experience was very good. Thanks to the editor, Shuguang Deng, and the reviewers. Wishing the journal continued success!

JEMA 2022-07-14

It has been 20 days under review. The current status is Reviews completed: 1, Review invitations accepted: 1, Review invitations sent: 2+. May I ask how long does it take for you to provide feedback?

gyx 2022-07-13

It's been half a month with the editor, are there any similar situations?

Mandy Poo 2022-07-12

One submission to CEJ was rejected, the second submission to EI was rejected by the editor-in-chief, and the third submission to SPT was accepted.
Submitted on May 26, 2022.
First revision on June 7, 2022.
Revised on July 7, 2022.
Accepted on July 11, 2022.
There were four reviewers in the first revision, with a total of 36 comments. Overall, the comments were fair and helpful in improving the quality of the article. After revisions, the article was successfully accepted. Thanks to the reviewers and editor Guohua Chen.

小周同学 2022-07-06

Experience of Submission:
First submission to AFM, rejected.
Second submission to Membrane Science, rejected.
Third submission to Separation and Purification, accepted.
2022.4.15: Submitted to journal.
2022.4.17: Minor revision requested by the editor.
2022.5.7: First revision submitted to journal.
2022.5.8: Under review.
2022.6.6: Major revision requested.
2022.6.15: Second revision submitted to journal.
2022.6.15: Under review.
2022.7.3: Accepted.
There were two reviewers, and their comments came back very quickly. The entire process from submission to feedback took about a month. The suggestions provided were helpful in improving the overall quality of the paper. I am very grateful to them. The editor was also very responsible, requesting minor grammar edits before the review. Thank you very much. Wishing the journal continued success!

小兰 2022-07-03

I have previously submitted to desalination, WR, and CEJ, but they were rejected. Finally, we meet here.

2022.5.14 - Submitted to the journal
2022.5.17 - With editor
2022.5.25 - Under review
2022.6.14 - Major revision
2022.6.26 - Revision submitted to journal
2022.6.26 - Under review
2022.7.1 - Required reviews completed
2022.7.2 - Accepted

My first master's thesis, took a month and a half, and this journal is still quite fast. Thanks to Guohua Chen, the editor, and the reviewers. I wish the journal continued success! Also, I wish everyone smooth progress in their research~

黛芙妮的异想世界 2022-07-01

Submitted on the 30th, it was sent for review on the same day, and then returned after half a month with a rejection. There were two reviewers, the first one gave a rejection; the second reviewer raised 7 questions, suggesting major revisions, and also mentioned language issues. After considering the overall situation, the editor gave a rejection but said it could be resubmitted.

After making revisions for half a month, I sought help from a polishing agency. I just submitted it today, praying for a positive outcome. This is my first first-author article during my Ph.D., and I hope it will have a good result. I also wish everyone in the scientific research community good results with their articles.

The journal's speed is very fast, and I also wish the journal will continue to improve!

小帅123 2022-07-01

2022.5.24. submit to journal, with editor, under review
2022.06.07 major revision
2022.06.26. revised submission
2022.06.30 accept
The two reviewers were very friendly and their questions were rigorous and greatly helpful to the article. The speed was really fast, and the overall experience was very good. Thank you to Editor Guohua Chen and the reviewers. Wishing the journal continuous improvement.

zw12345 2022-06-29

5.25 Submission
5.27 Under review
6.29 Under review
I feel that the editing process is quite fast. I have a good impression of this publication.

oolili 2022-06-27

Separation and purification technology submission
Submitted on June 20, 2022, to the journal
Reviewed by editor on June 22
Rejected on June 26 due to not meeting the journal's scope.

黛芙妮的异想世界 2022-06-13

Do we have the outcome of the first trial now? It has been almost two months.

北斗星司stan 2022-06-10

2022.3.25 submitted
2022.3.28 under review
2022.4.14 major revise
2022.5.5 revise submitted
2022.5.20 major revise
2022.5.31 revise submitted
2022.6.9 accept

Photocatalytic degradation direction, 4 reviewers, demanding requirements, all tests have been supplemented.

F0reverZN 2022-06-02

2022.4.22 submitted
2022.4.22 with editor
2022.4.24 under review
2022.5.9 major revise
2022.5.26 revise submission
2022.5.26 under review
2022.6.1 RRC
2022.6.1 accept
Editor: Shuguang Deng
Two reviewers, very friendly, asked professional questions, and the editing process was very fast. Worth submitting!

小帅123 2022-05-28

Submitted on the 24th, the manuscript was reviewed on the same day by an invited reviewer. On the 27th, it was discovered that the reviewer had completed the review. I would like to ask everyone about the situation.

wxywxy 2022-05-24

There is a link sent by Elsevier system in the mailbox.

dxxx 2022-05-23

First-time voter, may I ask if all authors must click on the email link for confirmation? What happens if they don't click on it?

委屈qq 2022-05-23

Same question, how to view how many reviewers have been invited.

波澜不惊111 2022-05-22

May I ask where to track your submission? I can only see a status table and haven't found the detailed information you mentioned.

undefined 2022-05-21

May I ask if the under review status has changed once or what does under review mean? Thank you.

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-05-19

The journal efficiency is very high. Xiao Xiuxiu has already received it.

undefined 2022-05-17

Same metallurgy, yours is so fast.

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