Verified Reviews - Science of The Total Environment
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

不搞科研了 2021-08-25

Speed can be
5.6 submission
6.15 major repair
7.9 return for repair
8.10 acceptance

llxaky 2021-08-24

After being rejected by this journal, I submitted it to Nature and it was directly accepted. Is it now so difficult to submit to this journal?

gaoleiniko 2021-08-23

I suggest changing to another option, in fact, it means being rejected, which is sad.
However, there are also friends in this situation, they sent reminder emails and then made significant revisions.

王早早 2021-08-23

How long does it take to receive the revised manuscript after submission? Is this journal currently categorized as a first-tier or second-tier journal? Is it assessed based on the basic version or the upgraded version?

lzj1208 2021-08-22

I am also in this state. May I ask if you have any updates?

lzj1208 2021-08-22

With this status, may I ask if you have any updates?

我与成长-至死方休 2021-08-21

Deadline for returning the manuscript is August 11th. Currently, it has been with the editor for 10 days.

who are you 2021-08-21

I consider it to be a breakthrough discovery, but unfortunately it was rejected by the subsidiary journal. I resubmitted it to the main journal and received feedback after one month of initial review. There were three reviewers who suggested major revisions. After making the revisions and resubmitting it within five days, the editor accepted it directly, which was quite unexpected. The entire process, from submission to acceptance, took a total of three months.

我与成长-至死方休 2021-08-21


2021.4.18 Submission
On 7.25, the second reviewer provided positive feedback. The first reviewer requested that I conduct a normality test on all of my data, with detailed requirements.
On 9.11, the manuscript was returned with the editor.
Since then, it has been in the "With Editor" status. This article has been stuck in this stage for over four months. I wanted to ask everyone, what is the current status of the second review? I am very nervous.

没有名字_无名 2021-08-20

Three reviewers have finished reviewing, and the decision has been in process for two days. Is it usually a tragedy to see this status?

Xinyuan0408 2021-08-19

Excuse me, how should the host organize the graphical abstract?

gaodingshixiong 2021-08-18

Did you submit the second round of major repairs for review? I also had two rounds of major repairs.

gaodingshixiong 2021-08-18

May I ask if you have submitted it for review after the second round of major revisions?

博士不秃头 2021-08-15

1. Submitted for the first time on May 18th.
2. Edited and requested language revision on June 8th.
3. Resubmitted on June 18th.
4. Received major revision comments on July 1st.
5. Major revision returned on July 23rd.
6. Completed - Accepted on August 12th.

paper_怪 2021-08-14

Initial Date Submitted 04/13/2021
Under review 04/20/2021
Major revision 05/13/2021
Resubmitted 06/10/2021
Under review 06/11/2021
Required reviews completed 07/13/2021
Minor review 08/11/2021
Accepted 08/13/2021

The review process has been quite slow recently. The required reviews for the second round took a long time, and the deadline was changed once in between. Everyone should be prepared mentally.

阿hao1 2021-08-13

It's really slow. My first trial has been almost three months and still no news.

gustavo 2021-08-11

5.12 submission
5.19 under review
6.26 major revision
7.20 revised submission
7.26 under review
8.11 accept
Very good

念念啊 2021-08-11

I want to know how long it usually takes to receive a rejection letter after submitting an application, usually it means that I am being considered. Or in other words, typically, it takes a certain amount of time to receive a rejection letter after submitting an application.

futianbo 2021-08-10

The middle time point of the second review has never changed, but the required reviews have taken a very long time. My editor is Elena PAOLETTI, perhaps she is busy.

rain00000 2021-08-10

584th floor updated:
4.26 submit
5.26 major revision
6.24 resubmit, a lot of modifications were made to the paper and additional experimental data was provided
7.10 major revision, one of the three reviewers still had some comments
8.4 resubmit
8.9 accept
The reviewers were very professional and meticulous. The editor's efficiency was particularly high, with processing results usually available the next day. Thank you, editor Daniel A. Wunderlin.

rain00000 2021-08-10

The second and first reviewers are the same, there are three of them, and the main point is that there are several rounds of revisions only if one of the reviewers has significant opinions. The second review seems to take two weeks. Just received the acceptance notice. Good luck!

喜欢雨天的晴天先生 2021-08-10

2021.06.09 submitted
2021.06.11 under review
2021.06.25 required reviews completed
2021.06.25 under review
2021.07.01 major revision
2021.07.20 submitted
2021.08.02 minor revision, submitted on the same day, accepted within five hours.
The submission and review process were very fast. Best wishes for STOTEN to continue improving.

GHGs 2021-08-09

Just invested today, hoping everything goes smoothly!

科学达人 2021-08-09

There shouldn't be any major issues. Also, may I ask how long the second review process takes? Are the number of reviewers the same for the second and first review?

rain00000 2021-08-09

First review: major revision, second review still major revision. Looking at the comments, there are very few like this. It seems unlikely to receive acceptance. Ahhh.

科学达人 2021-08-09

Hello. May I ask how many times the review period for your second review has changed? Has any new reviewer been added? I have not received any updates on my second review for nearly 40 days.

科学达人 2021-08-09

Same question, may I ask how many reviewers are there in total? I haven't received any updates on my second review for almost 40 days.

求是学子 2021-08-09

Hello, may I ask if you have six reviewers? How many positive opinions do you have? Thank you.

;kalejkl 2021-08-09

6.7 submitted to journal
6.7 with editor
6.13 under review
6.16 under review
6.19 under review
6.26 under review
7.4 under review
7.11 under review
7.11 major revision
8.6 with editor
8.9 accept

6.7 submitted to journal
6.7 with editor
6.13 under review
6.16 under review
6.19 under review
6.26 under review
7.4 under review
7.11 under review
7.11 major revision
8.6 with editor
8.9 accept

gaodingshixiong 2021-08-08

I also feel it, so slow. It has been 15 days for my second review.

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