Verified Reviews - Science of The Total Environment
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

小杨很忙999 2023-05-24

2023.5.6 with editor
2023.5.7 under review
No one has returned so far, it has been almost 20 days.

polarisz 2023-05-24

I also have six reviewers, and I have been anxiously and tirelessly revising for over a month.

Samson one 2023-05-24

6 papers were reviewed, and 5 were returned. There was a change in RRC during the process, and now it is UR. What is the situation?

哈哈哈1992 2023-05-23

Which editor?

duan 2023-05-23

May I ask how many days after "under consideration" will the rejection be given?

习惯性 2023-05-22

Which editor is it, friend?

kelsey_zy 2023-05-22

4.8 under review and no feedback has been received so far. What is the overall situation this year? It is so slow.

呜呜啦啦 2023-05-22

May I ask if "Under consideration" means being rejected?

Fldfcahbs 2023-05-22

After five or six days, the text turned into "under consideration" with the editor. Does this mean it's going to be canceled?

小杨很忙999 2023-05-22

None of them have returned so far, whether it is accepted or 2+.

小杨很忙999 2023-05-22

None of them have come back so far, it's still 2+.

Miraclep 2023-05-22

Hello, may I ask what is the situation behind you? Mine is also "with editor" and under consideration. Does this mean that it will be rejected?

骨朵骨朵 2023-05-22

5.17 submit
5.17 with editor
It has been five days, and the editor has not provided any feedback yet.

夏日瞌睡事件 2023-05-20

23.4.2 Return of manuscript
23.4.3 with editor
23.4.9 under review
23.4.23 major revision for the third time (two reviewers provided 5 comments, one of the reviewers' comments were not positive)
23.4.29 Return of manuscript
23.4.30 with editor
2023.5.9 under review
23.5.19 under review (still awaiting response from one reviewer)
23.5.20 Accepted directly by the editor
It took six months and three major revisions. I had a bit of a breakdown during this period, but I am grateful to the reviewers and editor for providing their approval. Thank you to everyone for their help~

夏日瞌睡事件 2023-05-20

22.11.16 submit - Submitted on November 22, 2016
22.11.17 with editor - Under editor's consideration on November 17, 2017
22.11.20 under review - Under review on November 20, 2016
22.12.06 required reviews completed - Required reviews completed on December 6, 2016
22.12.14 required reviews completed - Required reviews completed on December 14, 2016
22.12.25 major revise第一次(三个审稿人80条意见) - Major revision on December 25, 2016 (Three reviewers provided 80 comments)
23.1.25 因疫情原因,实验补不了,向官方延期了一个月返稿 - Due to the pandemic, unable to conduct experiment, requested one-month extension for resubmission
23.2.25 返稿 - Resubmitted on February 25, 2023
23.2.26 with editor - Under editor's consideration on February 26, 2023
23.3.5 under review - Under review on March 5, 2023
23.3.6 required reviews completed - Required reviews completed on March 6, 2023
23.3.12 major revise第二次(一个给了同意发表,另外两个审稿人给了20条意见) - Major revision on March 12, 2023 (One reviewer approved publication, while the other two reviewers provided 20 comments)

嘟噜噜 2023-05-20

Is the external audit tracking link sent, bro?

认真的消遣 2023-05-19

submitted to journal 2023.02.26
under review 2023.03.27
required review completed 2023.04.28
submitted to journal 2023.05.06
under review 2023.05.09
accepted 2023.05.19

submitted to journal on February 26, 2023
under review on March 27, 2023
required review completed on April 28, 2023
submitted to journal on May 6, 2023
under review on May 9, 2023
accepted on May 19, 2023

JT Guo 2023-05-19

I also chose Martin Drews. I submitted on May 6th and until now it is still with the editor.

JT Guo 2023-05-19

I also chose Martin Drews, and submitted on May 6th. Until now, it is still with the editor.

陌上花开亦可归 2023-05-19

What was the result after you transferred your submission to the recommended journal? Did you need to resubmit or was it accepted directly? It feels like our situations are similar.

陌上花开亦可归 2023-05-19

There is a higher possibility of being cool. Previously, I have always been converted from RRC to UC, and then I gave my opinion on the conversion.

duan 2023-05-19

My one has also been in the hands of the editor all along.

Zhanchao 2023-05-18

May 8th, it reached the editor's hands, and until now it is still "with editor". Didn't they say it would be quick? If they reject me, they should just give me an "Under consideration" so that I can quickly look for another opportunity. The editor is Martin Drews from Denmark.

aaas,truth 2023-05-17

Did they not ask you to lose weight and then reapply?

哈哈哈1992 2023-05-17

Hasn't any modifications been made?

巴拉巴拉小魔仙* 2023-05-17

1. 5.5 submission with editor
2. 5.15 under consideration
3. Today, 5.17 still under consideration
Is this going to be rejected?

西西弗 2023-05-17

5.09 Submission
5.14 Under consideration
5.15 Rejected
Reason: High similarity rate

aaas,truth 2023-05-17

Still in the process of reviewing, it has been a week since the review started.

aaas,truth 2023-05-17

This should be normal, two weeks for review.

唐老鸭呀 2023-05-17

Very good, okay.

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