Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally. 2021-12-13

10.2 Submission
11.14 Major revision after editorial pre-review
11.28 Returned manuscript
12.3 Under review
12.8 Updated, still under review
12.13 Updated, still under review
The manuscript has been updated twice within 10 days in the review process. I'm worried it might be rejected...

fivelei 2021-12-13

2021.10.15大修 - Major renovation on October 15, 2021.
2021.10.19修回 - Revision on October 19, 2021.
2021.12.1小修 - Minor repair on December 1, 2021.
2021.12.13接收 - Reception on December 13, 2021.

the_叽叽叽 2021-12-11

"Clearly stated in the cover letter."

小野 2021-12-11

First submission, the website shows Submissions Being Processed(1), and only this one has a "1" behind it. I don't know if it was submitted successfully. Can someone with experience please give an idea of the situation?

LPT 2021-12-11

The reviewer suggests changing the submission, may I ask how did you appeal? Did you directly contact the editor?

the_叽叽叽 2021-12-11

Submitted 28 Jun 2021
With the Editor 29 Jun 2021
Under Review 23 Jul 2021

Major Revision 30 Aug 2021
Revision Submitted 16 Sep 2021
Under Review 17 Sep 2021

Major Revision 26 Oct 2021
Revision Submitted 02 Nov 2021
Under Review 05 Nov 2021

Under Editor Decision 05 Dec 2021
Accept 10 Dec 2021

The journal is actually quite fast, although it took a total of six months, but the main delays were in two parts: (1) there was a one-month wait between submission and review, probably for finding reviewers; (2) one of the reviewers did not provide any comments and only mentioned that the innovation was insufficient and suggested resubmission, so an appeal was made and it went through another round of review. If we overlook these, one round of review takes about a month, so it could actually be accepted within three to four months.

徐彳亍 2021-12-10

After editing, pre-reviewing, modifying, and submitting, it has been two months, with several updates on the timeline, and it is still in progress.

W786 2021-12-08

One editing pre-review major revision, one major revision, two minor revisions accepted, approximately 3 months. But does anyone know the situation when proofreading? Eproofing couldn't find online editors, the email editor who received the PDF with annotations said they received it, but then sent two reminders to ask for proof. Does anyone know, please let me know.

cptbtptp2333 2021-12-05

2021.10.15 Second review, minor revisions
2021.10.17 Revised
2021.12.02 Accepted

wangtingitng_ 2021-12-04

It can be retrieved, I think it is still in Zone 3 and there is no alert.

nchu_Johnson 2021-12-04

Excuse me, OP, is this journal still indexed in SCI? I heard online that this journal has been suppressed and should be removed from SCI. What is this SCI thing?

wangtingitng_ 2021-12-04

Mine became under review in 2-3 days. If yours takes too long, you can ask what's going on.

liuoo 2021-12-02

I am actually still in the editing stage, and the editor said that once minor revisions are done, it can be accepted. So I don't know what to do after you mentioned acceptance.

kkfc 2021-12-02

May I ask how long it takes for your submission to be under review with the editor? Mine has been over a week and there has been no response yet.

wangtingitng_ 2021-12-02

The review period from submission to final acceptance takes more than 4 months.

wangtingitng_ 2021-12-02

2021.07.15 Post
2021.09.08 Feedback received, requesting to modify the experiment and validate the results with additional datasets
2021.10.23 Resubmission
2021.12.01 Accepted directly
Overall, the process was at a suitable pace. With six months left until graduation, the graduation requirements have been met. The reviewer's comments were very reasonable, and as long as the necessary revisions are made, it should be possible to pass.

wangtingitng_ 2021-12-02

Just wondering, how did you handle the reception? Over there, they asked me to click on a submit button, but I couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

liuoo 2021-12-01

2021.8.6 Submitted
2021.8.14 Pre-screening completed, external review started
2021.11.30 External review completed, notified of minor revisions and accepted
It took more than 3 months, but the manuscript was accepted almost directly after the external review. Based on the advice received, the Editor feels that your manuscript could be accepted for publication should you be prepared to incorporate minor revisions.
Finally, it was accepted. It was a particularly agonizing process. I saw on letpub that many manuscripts are reviewed within 1-2 months, which made me very anxious. I sent 3 reminders, but the editor replied with a template response without much information. By the third month, I was considering withdrawing and submitting elsewhere, but luckily the editor sent good news.

goodgoodstudy 2021-11-30

Both have submitted.

renlantian 2021-11-30

Hello, did you submit a LaTeX editable file or a Word editable file?

goodgoodstudy 2021-11-30

It has been almost two months since the repair (major overhaul) was initiated, and it is still under review. Should we urge for an update? Will pushing for an update have any adverse effects?

Xi-Zeyu 2021-11-29

So slow... The second review has been going on for over a month... It's still not finished... Afraid of being rejected.

renlantian 2021-11-27

Submitted on August 12, 2021.
Under review status has been updated several times in between.
Major Revision on November 26, 2021.

nicola 2021-11-26

10.27 Submission
10.28 With the editor
11.26 Rejected based on the reason that the topic is not suitable for the journal

Sakura 2021-11-24

2021.7.20 Submission, preliminary review by editor; 08.08 Preliminary review, adding experiment; 08.10 Revision; 08.20 Under review; 10.15 Major revision suggestions provided, both reviewers are not from the specialized field; 10.22 Revised major revision; 10.23 Under review again; 11.02 Second review comments received, reviewer 1 has minor grammar issues, reviewer 2 has no comments; 11.08 Revised; 11.09 Submitted for third review; 11.12 Accepted.

起什么昵称呢 2021-11-23

Two articles have been submitted successively.

First article:
Submitted on February 3, 2021; Received editorial comments on March 3, revised extensively; Revised version submitted on March 6.
Minor revisions on April 19, revised again on April 23, accepted on May 19.

Second article:
Submitted on August 17, 2021, went through editor's preliminary review for 2-3 days and directly entered under review. Received major revision comments on October 8, which were quite sharp and numerous; Revised version submitted on October 17, accepted on November 23.

上上上上上 2021-11-23

Submit the manuscript in January, the first review took 8 months. It seems that the two reviewers did not respond, and it was accepted in November after major revisions, exactly ten months later. Around two weeks after acceptance, received an email for the next step, waiting for proof.

sdpy 2021-11-22

May I ask how long will it take to make modifications after the major repair? I did not see any time limit in the email as well.

阿斌仔 2021-11-22

The approximate timeline for submission is as follows:
20210704, submitted
After more than two weeks of editing, it was sent for external review.
20210902, major revision
There were two reviewers, who were not experts in the field. They did not question the originality and thought that more details were needed to clarify the algorithm. Overall, their feedback was mild. The editor mentioned that there were obvious language deficiencies and hoped for improvement. The suggestions were taken into account, and the revised version was sent to Eiswear for proofreading.
20211016, revision submitted
The editor actually provided a two-month period for revisions, so there was sufficient time.
20211121, accepted
Both reviewers did not have any further comments and accepted the paper directly. The process went smoothly, and the overall submission time took about 5 months, which is considered acceptable. As long as the reviewers' comments are carefully addressed, the chances of acceptance are high.
Wishing everyone successful research and many publications.

logic 2021-11-22

Excuse me, which three district are you referring to for transferring?

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