Verified Reviews - APPLIED ENERGY
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

为梦想而生 2023-02-15

May I ask if your dip has ended?

FSTTS 2023-02-15

Reply to the comment above: The article was submitted on the 10th and was assigned to Editor Wu the next day. The status hasn't changed so far, and Editor Wu hasn't handled it yet.

为梦想而生 2023-02-15

When did you submit the manuscript? With the editor, to where did you send it to Editor Wu?

FSTTS 2023-02-15

Is the editing process of this journal recently very slow? I submitted it and it was assigned to Editor Wu, but it has been five to six days and it has not been processed yet. Previously, submissions were processed within two days.

曹芳 2023-02-14

My submission for March in my 22nd year has still not received any response. I sent an email but it was considered as spam and rejected by the recipient. How can I deal with this situation? Does anyone know how to contact the editor? Thank you, experts.

漫漫科研 2023-02-14

May I ask how long your "decision in process" status has been going on? It has been one week since my first-instance "dip" status, and there is still no result. Does this mean it will be rejected?

漫漫科研 2023-02-14

May I ask how long your "decision in process" status has lasted? My "dip" status after the first trial has been one week, and there is still no outcome at the moment.

漫漫科研 2023-02-14

2022.11.25: submitted to journal
2022.11.29: with editor (Zita)
2022.12.19: under review (20+ days to find reviewers, a total of two reviewers)
2023.2.7: required reviews completed
2023.2.8: decision in process
The "decision in process" status has been ongoing for 7 days now. I would like to ask if a delay of over a week after the first review indicates a rejection?

泣小雨 2023-02-13

Just wait a little longer. Didn't the person upstairs say one week?

泣小雨 2023-02-13

Okay, okay. Thank you. Is it likely to have major changes in the Dip in a week?

cuidingsong 2023-02-12

There is a dip, so all processes should have this state. It will probably take about a week.

追风9 2023-02-12

I also encountered a dip, and there is still no result so far. What is happening? I feel like it doesn't fit within the scope of the journal. If they want to reject it, they should do it quickly. It has been several days already. It's not as efficient as the previous strict editor-in-chief.

追风9 2023-02-12

Friend downstairs, I also encountered a dip and there are still no results so far. What's the situation?

泣小雨 2023-02-11

May I ask if you have encountered the DiP status after the completion of your RC review?

泣小雨 2023-02-11

Can I ask everyone if the RRC status changing to DiP status for two days means that it's over?

cuidingsong 2023-02-07

Two reviewers, first review two minor revisions, second review accepted.

一条充满了梦想的咸鱼 2023-02-07

Excuse me, how are the opinions of the reviewers?

cuidingsong 2023-02-04

2021.11.20 submitted to journal
2021.12.28 revise (20 days for revision)
2022.01.16 resubmit
2022.02.03 accept

cuidingsong 2023-02-03

Oh my god, it's been so long. How have you been, bro? I also passed the second review, I'm so happy.

木木木 2023-02-01

My second review, which began on 12.16, is still in the decision process and there is still no outcome as of now.

cuidingsong 2023-01-31

Too normal. I have been invited as a reviewer for 8 months now.

能投就投 2023-01-29

Can I ask if the dip is over now? How long did it last in total?

LHX99 2023-01-18

I have been waiting for 4 months since submission, and it has been 3 months since the reviewer was invited. Is this situation normal? I have sent emails to both the editor-in-chief and the associate editor to urge for updates. The associate editor has been reminded twice, but there has been no response... I am considering withdrawing the submission.

shao_xia 2023-01-12

The official website has a channel for sending messages.

小田 2022-12-31

The direction of breaking away from breastfeeding has been determined.

cuidingsong 2022-12-29

It has been 6 months since the first review, and only one reviewer accepted the review. There is no option to send an email in the action link.

cuidingsong 2022-12-29

I also revised it at 3 am this morning, and gave myself 20 days to make changes.

MR.brown 2022-12-29

I was rejected at 3am and received comments from four reviewers. The comments were relatively neutral, but the female editor rejected it. I would like to ask everyone, if there was no mention of the possibility of resubmission in the email, can I revise it according to the comments and resubmit? Does anyone have a similar experience? Should I resubmit for a new review or send it back to these reviewers?

MR.brown 2022-12-25

Still no results yet, currently the decision is in process.

cuidingsong 2022-12-23

How did it go in the end, brother?

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