Verified Reviews - APPLIED ACOUSTICS
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Rainy丶doll 2021-09-17

The next day after submitting, it will be reviewed.

Long waiter 2021-09-14

May I ask how long did it take for the editor to wait for your submission, OP?

Long waiter 2021-09-14

It has been over two weeks since the submission deadline, and it is still "with editor." What is the situation? Do you have such a long processing time?

Colorfully 2021-09-10

How long does it take to receive the proof? Is it enough to wait for email contact after being hired?

Jackty 2021-08-31

Submitted in early June, first review comments at the end of June, major revisions, return in August, recently hired.

天高云淡654 2021-08-22

It was sent for review in less than a day.

水星冲浪手 2021-08-17

How long will the status "with editor" typically last for articles related to speech signal processing?

letpubgo 2021-08-05

Received on July 7th, 2021, rejected on August 4th, 2021. Few citations from acoustic journals.

Rambo 2021-07-15

Overall, it went relatively smoothly, with major repairs, minor repairs, and hiring, taking a total of about 6 months.

InkSnow 2021-07-15

May I ask, after I submitted my manuscript, I accidentally closed the webpage without noticing. The next day, when I opened it again, the article status was already "Under Review." Does this mean it has passed the initial review with the editor, or does it mean that the journal is still reviewing it in the editorial department?

Feng 2021-07-07

Just asking, how long has the "with editor" stage been going on? It has been over a week for me.

井晚打老虎2500245760 2021-06-17

Excuse me, is it difficult to submit an article to this journal?

船帆 2021-06-16

Delivered in March, accepted today. The review speed is moderate, and the editor is responsible. It is worth submitting again.

井晚打老虎2500245760 2021-06-15

Excuse me, what is the required repetition rate for the journal?

ald 2021-01-10

Has anyone ever submitted to this journal before? I submitted one month ago but have not received any email notification.

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