Verified Reviews - POLYMER TESTING
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Hsmmiy 2022-01-15

OP, how long have you been with the editor? Is it from 4/15 to 5/3 that you've been with the editor, or has it already been sent for review during this period? Mine has been with the editor for over 40 days.

Elsabel 2022-01-13

11.24 under review, is it still normal to be under review until now?

Gee.Figo 2021-12-24

This year's upgraded version is already top-notch, and it's a pleasant surprise that the subcategory has been placed in the first district.

Xiaolong Li 2021-12-17

Is there a fee for submitting to this journal now?

Julius 2021-11-22

This magazine with the editor is just slow, wait.

Fanatica 2021-11-19

July 29th submission
October 18th major revision
November 13th submission of revised manuscript
November 16th acceptance

Yalis 2021-10-08

How are you doing now, OP?

Yalis 2021-09-30

Ah this... I am a month with the editor... no progress, it seems I can look for another journal.

Maxmuse 2021-09-29

It's been three months, and I'm still with the editor. I'm really curious about what the editor is doing.

Annia 2021-09-15

Original: 楼主 我这个2个多月了 ,还是 with editor 这还有希望不?
Translation: OP, it has been over two months for me, still with the editor. Is there still hope for this?

Annia 2021-09-15

It has been 2 months, no news.

Maxmuse 2021-08-17

Jul 06, submitted,
Aug 17, with editor
As everyone said, it is still in the hands of the editor, taking a long time.

Julius 2021-06-17

2021/4/15 Submit
2021/5/3 Minor revision
2021/5/21 Major revision
2021/6/17 Accepted
With the editor, it will take a long time, be prepared mentally.

girasol 2021-05-06

I submitted it to the editor for more than 20 days, and then it was under review for a month before being returned for revision.

DRM 2021-05-06

Excuse me, were you also with the editor for more than a month? It's been over a month for me already, and it still hasn't been reviewed. I feel so uncomfortable.

girasol 2021-05-04

The initial review and revision of the manuscript takes about a month each, and the speed is relatively fast. In April, it happens to coincide with the holidays in the UK, so the speed may be slower. Friends who haven't received a reply recently, please be patient and wait. After open access, the cost is around RMB 13,000+, which is relatively high compared to others.

DRM 2021-04-23

I have been with the editor for almost a month, but there has been no change. I wonder if there has been any progress from the experienced person before.

girasol 2021-04-19

One month, no news.

牟维鹏 2021-04-18

Dear friends, may I ask if anyone can share the recent status changes of your submissions? I submitted mine on March 22nd, it was "with editor" on March 26th, and now it's April 18th, and it's still "with editor."

科研小小 2021-04-17

Do you have any news now? I am also still in the same state as Xiaoxiu, 20+.

一区top* 2021-04-06

Wait a moment, I was also hired after more than 20 days of modification, and the feedback was also very positive.

girasol 2021-04-06

It has been more than 20 days since the minor revision was submitted, but there has been no response. The journal's homepage has not been updated with any new articles for a week. Does anyone know what's going on?

科研民工小张 2021-01-20

Submission in August, after more than 100 days of review, minor revisions were requested. The minor revisions were submitted within a month, and it took just over a week to be accepted! Submitting early saved a significant amount of fees!

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