Verified Reviews - PLANT AND SOIL
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

噗噗笑嘻嘻 2023-08-06

Original text: 楼主我想问问一般审稿专家审稿完成以后被拒的概率高吗

Translation: "OP, I want to ask if the probability of being rejected is high for manuscripts reviewed by experts?"

噗噗笑嘻嘻 2023-08-06

I want to ask the original poster, is there a high probability of being rejected after a 3-month first review for the Plant journal?

尔玉 2023-07-13

May I ask if you have experienced the status of "Reviews Completed" before the major renovation?

凭几 2023-06-29

Accepted: 29 Jun, 2023

Editorial decision: Major revisions 15 Jun, 2023

Reviewers agreed at journal 11 May, 2023

Reviewers invited by journal 09 May, 2023

Editor invited by journal 09 May, 2023

Editor assigned by journal 09 May, 2023

First submitted to journal 08 May, 2023

22 Feb 2023 First submission, 17 Apr 2023 Review comments: resubmit after revision.

7円 2023-06-28

Hello, I would like to ask what does "internally reviewed" mean in the submission requirements of "Plant and Soil"?

GuoP 2023-04-28

This is already the second submission to Plant and Soil. Although this journal is ranked as a second-tier TOP journal, it was in the first-tier for a long period of time and has a great influence in the industry. I have a few observations: 1. They are relatively tolerant of language issues. In the final draft of my paper, the editor specifically pointed out a few grammar points that needed to be modified; 2. The review process is acceptable, with an initial review taking 3-4 months and a second revision taking 1-2 months. Generally, it takes about 6 months to finalize a paper; 3. They are more friendly towards Chinese authors. I have been following this journal for 20 years and it seems that the proportion of Chinese papers has been steadily increasing. The most important point is that the editors and reviewers are meticulous when it comes to professional issues and cannot be easily fooled.

听雨1 2023-04-18

How can I find the reviewing experts, dear teachers?

1234567890 2023-03-14

Has it been over two weeks since the reviewer was assigned? What does this status mean? Does it mean that the reviewer has already been assigned and the status won't change anymore? Or does it mean that the reviewer has not yet agreed to review the manuscript? If the reviewer has not agreed to review it, why hasn't the editor found another reviewer after more than two weeks?

咸菜36 2023-02-10

Reviewing the manuscript depends on fate. Previously, it took three months for the first review, but this time only one month. As for the format, it should have double line spacing, line numbers added, and charts placed within the text. I usually use font size 10. There doesn't seem to be anything else that requires special attention.

sy2022 2023-02-10

Excuse me, is this journal fast in reviewing manuscripts? Are there any specific formatting requirements?

咸菜36 2023-02-09

1.13-16 Submission, invitation to edit, finding reviewers
1.17 Under review
1.20 Reviewers assigned, under review
2.09 Reviews completed (received email after 5 minutes, reject)

The external review comments were relatively fair, but the reviewers believed that it did not fit within the scope of the journal. The process was quite fast, but as a graduate student, I cannot endure another setback like this. I will switch journals and continue submitting. T_T

sq970318/ 2023-01-15

Does accepting a classmate mean publication? Only when our school publishes can scholarships be awarded.

天涯斷腸人 2022-12-11

Old-fashioned journal in the field of soil, with a good reputation, but unfortunately, it has always had a low impact factor. Ecological Indicators, which is also in the second quartile, has a fast acceptance rate and a high impact factor. My classmates and junior students have already been published there. However, my teacher has always advised me to submit to this journal, and luckily I persisted.

Last year, I submitted my paper and it was directly rejected. This year, I added some data and submitted it again, and it was published online.

Received on February 9th;
Major revision on March 29th, with a deadline for revisions by May 23rd;
Revised and resubmitted on June 13th (due to delays caused by the pandemic and other reasons, I requested an extension for submitting the revised manuscript);
Second revision requested on July 20th, with a deadline for revisions by September 14th;
Submitted second revision on August 17th;
Accepted on August 30th (haha, just in time for this semester's scholarship).

Lbyyyyy_ 2022-11-23

I would like to ask, does my article using hyperspectral technology to predict soil organic carbon content comply with the scope of this journal for submission?

鱼香肉丝吴小白 2022-10-06

Submission: 05 Jul 2022
Editor Invited: 06 Jul 2022
Under review: 09 Jul 2022
Major revision: 09 Aug 2022
Minor revision: 24 Sep 2022
Accept: 04 Oct 2022

寒天晨晨 2022-08-20

Translated text:
Submitted at the end of November in the 21st year, it went through two major revisions. The acceptance came in late August of the 22nd year. It took quite a long time. I have a special attachment to the soil of the plant. At the time of my second year of research, it was still considered a Tier 1 journal, but now it is a Tier 2. However, it doesn't matter much. The reviewers and editors were very professional and made many modifications.

414 2022-07-26

How many reviewers will be assigned for the review process?

娜仁 2022-06-01

I would like to ask everyone, after your article was rejected by the journal, was it included in the database?

小笙同学 2022-05-29

May I ask, after submitting the manuscript, if the author's status is marked as "rejected" due to a mistake, does it affect the review process? Should it be returned and resubmitted again?

爱种水稻的小林 2022-05-11

oa is charging, not oa is the traditional subscription model, free of charge. If you have money, choose oa.

爱种水稻的小林 2022-05-11

OA means charging, not OA means traditional subscription model, which is free. If you have money, choose OA; if you don't have money, choose not OA.

xiaojinping 2022-05-11

May I ask if you chose non-OA when submitting your contribution?

xiaojinping 2022-05-11

May I ask if you chose OA or non-OA when you made your submission?

xiaojinping 2022-05-11

I would like to ask, did you submit a non-OA (open access) paper? If so, is the timeframe mentioned in your comment the submission period?

咸菜36 2022-05-05

It should wait for enough peer reviewers to accept the review, and then it will become "under review".

GQH0127 2022-05-05

It has been a month since the submission, but it is still in the "reviewers assigned" status. The middle date keeps changing, and I don't know what's going on.

咸菜36 2022-05-04

Freshly baked, just received, come and share the submission process
Submitted on 2021-12-22
Editor arranged, finding reviewers
Reviewers assigned on 12.23, 2022.1.06, 1.07, 1.09, 1.11

Under review on 1.17, 1.18, 1.22

Reviewers assigned (after checking, it seems that the reviewers have not returned their comments for two months, so the editor found new reviewers. The new reviewers were very efficient and completed the review in 5 days. After another 5 days, the editorial department made a decision for major revisions) on 3.11

Major revisions on 3.21

Revision submitted on 3.26

Editor assigned on 3.29

Reviewers assigned on 3.31

Under review on 4.01

Reviewers assigned on 4.12

Accepted on 5.04

咸菜36 2022-04-28

It has been a month since I returned after completing the major repairs, but still no news. I am waiting in despair o(╥﹏╥)o.

喜闻乐见616 2022-02-24

The text "journal of cleaner production" is already in English. It refers to a specific journal that focuses on research and discussion related to sustainable and clean production practices.

喜闻乐见616 2022-02-24

2021.12.5 Submission
2022.1.13 Major revision
2022.2.12 Revised
2022.2.22 Accepted
My first submission in life, the first draft was rejected. After conducting additional experiments and rewriting most of it, I submitted it to a highly reputable journal. I didn't have high hopes initially, but the reviewers' comments were all very positive. I felt the professionalism of the editor and the reviewers.

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