Verified Reviews - Petroleum Science
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

tianyingzuo 2022-03-07

PS's impact factor has doubled this year, and it has great potential for future development. Supporting domestic journals is a national strategy, but not every journal will be supported. The reason why PS is in Zone 1 is because it ranks second in the "Petroleum Engineering" subcategory in this year's IF rankings, second only to JPSE, which is in Zone 1 for the Petroleum Engineering subcategory. Moreover, all domestic journals that can enter Zone 1 of the subcategory have been elevated to Zone 1 of the main category! However, it is still in Zone 3 in the direction of energy and fuel, which is indeed a loophole. This Zone 1 in the main category is actually a reward for the "Petroleum Engineering" direction!

UPC_DQA 2022-03-04

Invested at the end of November and received minor revisions at the end of December, quite fast. Before submission, it was in Zone 2, but it changed to Zone 1 upon acceptance? After reading the debates downstairs, I think well-established energy journals such as Fuel, Energy, and SPEJ are indeed good. However, we should also consider their distribution scope (global), founding time (>50 years), and annual publication volume (many >2000 articles). These are all accumulated gradually, so personally, I don't think it's necessary to be so critical of domestic journals now. Give them some time to develop. If anyone is willing to submit to them, they can do so, and if they find them too low, they can strive for well-established energy journals instead.

Z雨辰 2022-03-03

Under review for three months now, no change in status. Are there any similar cases?

JasonR 2022-02-05

Same as the rejection comment below.

JasonR 2022-01-26

Manuscript Submitted for over half a month now, no change in status, wondering if it will be processed before the new year...

CH-L 2022-01-26

"I will not be embarrassed easily if I have a strong and resilient attitude."

来吧英雄 2022-01-26

This rejection feedback is unbelievable. Although your manuscript falls within the aim and scope of this journal, it is being declined due to a lack of sufficient novelty. We receive a much larger number of papers than we are able to accept. It's the first time I've seen something like this, and I can only imagine it happening in Chinese journals. It's hilarious.

Doc-C 2022-01-18

Your level is evident to all. Please, nature editorial board, don't publish this kind of garbage journal anymore. It devalues you.

wuy 2022-01-14

To be honest, the partitioning of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is somewhat outrageous now. This journal can't even reach the top of Zone 1. Supporting domestic journals shouldn't be done this way.

xenoloto 2022-01-11

Since this user in the building has expressed an opinion, I will respond to you as well. When I said that some reviewers are graduate students without degrees, it was simply a statement without any positive or negative connotations. However, based on your intense reaction, it seems like you have assumed that I view graduate student reviewers negatively, which is quite interesting. In reality, internationally recognized journals generally require reviewers to have a doctoral degree, and your argument suggests that you may not be familiar with the review process of international professional journals. I acknowledge that some graduate students have high academic accomplishments, but those who have not passed their thesis defense have indeed not completed the rigorous academic process. Furthermore, you attacked me personally when you encountered viewpoints that you didn't want to accept. How do you know that I haven't published papers in internationally renowned journals? How do you know that I haven't been involved in the work of internationally recognized journals?

StevenNI 2022-01-10

I submitted two papers, one in May. It went through two major revisions. The first time I submitted it, I received the feedback in 40 days, and the suggestions were very constructive. I diligently made the revisions and resubmitted it. I waited for 75 days, during which I had to find a new reviewer. I submitted the revised version for the second time at the end of October, and it has been almost three months without any news.

The other paper was submitted at the end of December. On January 1st, in the early morning around 7 o'clock, it went directly to "decision in process". Most likely, it will be rejected, but it has been ten days already, and they haven't sent the rejection email yet. I heard that the professors at the university where I submitted, who are associated with PetroChina, are currently busy with their students' thesis proposal. Or maybe the professors are busy with end-of-year exchanges and don't have time to process the papers. It's really unreasonable. It would be better if they could just give a clear response, whether it's acceptance or rejection.

Doc-C 2022-01-05

If I were as capable as you, I would definitely not submit to this journal. After all, a sub-journal of Nature should directly accept it.

Doc-C 2022-01-05

Do you get angry when your manuscript is rejected? Being a reviewer as a graduate student does not necessarily mean their level is lower than yours. It is more important to revise your article well and cultivate a positive mindset.

xenoloto 2022-01-04

Replacing all editorial board members ≠ real improvement in skill level.

xenoloto 2022-01-04

Some of the reviewers are graduate students who have not yet obtained their degrees. Some reviewers not only have questionable expertise but also doubt their ability to read and write English scientific literature fluently. Their comments are of no value and they even use these same comments for other articles without any modifications. Many of the review comments have grammar errors. This year, they united to push SPEJ out of the top, and those in the industry who understand know the reason behind it.

Yangliuyang 2021-12-28

May I ask if there is a charge?

rick 2021-12-28


Has reached the level of 1...1...1111111111111111111111111111 area?! Comparable to oil exploration and development, hehehe~

sky2021 2021-12-01

I submitted two articles, and one of them received a reply suggesting that my work is more focused on geophysics research and recommended me to submit to a geophysics journal. Does it mean they don't accept geophysics articles?
On the other hand, the other reply mentioned a lack of theoretical innovation, but why did they not mention geophysics?
This is nonsense, I will never submit again.

呜啦啦啦 2021-11-16

Three reviewers, among whom two reviewers made minor revisions and found the work to be highly innovative. However, the final reviewer's ambiguous comments led to the journal rejecting it directly. Is this the standard of a second-tier journal in the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

dennnis 2021-10-13

According to the system display, two reviewers will give results within one and a half months. However, SE found an additional reviewer who will provide results within three months. Considering the opinions of all three reviewers, personally, I feel that directly rejecting the submission would be a bit far-fetched. Although the review process is blind, SE should know which institution the author is affiliated with.

笑忘书 2021-10-11

Petroleum Science is no longer published by Springer as of June 30, 2021. The journal will now be published under the cooperation of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. For information about the new publisher and submission process, please visit

However, Springer will still host an archive of all articles that were previously published. You can access the archive at

Hou Xu 2021-09-28

What is the charging standard?

西游菜鸟 2021-06-10

Submitted at the beginning of March, sent for review by the end of April, it seems that the review comments will be returned by the end of May. Currently, it has been over a week and we are still awaiting the decision of the Associate Editor. Responding to the call of the country to write papers on the land of our motherland, this is my first submission to a domestic SCI journal. I hope to receive some revisions.

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