Verified Reviews - Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

卫华369 2021-05-29

Excuse me, do you know how to contact the editorial department if there are any problems during the proofreading process for this publication?
The editor sent a message requesting proofreading, and according to the instructions, all authors should be able to see the article that needs proofreading after logging into their respective proofreading accounts. However, only the corresponding author cannot see it, and the proofreading system for the corresponding author shows "there are no active galley proofs." Other authors can only preview but not make corrections. We have reported this issue to the editorial department, but it has not been resolved. However, the editorial department keeps urging us to proofread, and they have reminded us three times already. We have also replied to them three times about the existence of this problem. Does anyone know what to do? Thank you!

淡定兔子 2021-05-19

Hello, may I ask how long each state goes through? Thank you.

成都刘亦菲 2021-04-13

How much does this layout cost approximately?

谭文 2021-02-05

The editor was very friendly, and the reviewers provided many comments. After supplementing the experiments and making serious revisions, the paper was accepted. The quality of the article is still good.

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