Verified Reviews - NEUROCOMPUTING
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

努力努力再努力s 2021-03-30

2020.09.30: submit to the journal
2020.09.30: with editor
2020.10.28: under review
2020.11.18: required reviews completed
2020.12.05: decision in process
2020.12.05: revise and consider
2021.01.09: submit to the journal
2021.01.09: with editor
2021.01.09: editor invited
2021.01.18: with editor
2021.02.13: under review
2021.03.22: required reviews completed
2021.08.28: decision in process
2021.03.29: accept

Translated Text:

2020.09.30: submit to the journal
2020.09.30: with editor
2020.10.28: under review
2020.11.18: required reviews completed
2020.12.05: decision in process
2020.12.05: revise and consider
2021.01.09: submit to the journal
2021.01.09: with editor
2021.01.09: editor invited
2021.01.18: with editor
2021.02.13: under review
2021.03.22: required reviews completed
2021.08.28: decision in process
2021.03.29: accept

woxiangbiye 2021-03-29

Why am I still with the editor after 13 days?

只想毕业 2021-03-26

My editor has been invited for over a month and there hasn't been any change.

等风南吹 2021-03-25

2021.02.19: submitted
2021.02.20: with editor
2021.02.21: editor invited
2021.03.22: Under Review

2021.02.19: submitted
2021.02.20: with editor
2021.02.21: editor invited
2021.03.22: Under Review

冲冲冲冲 2021-03-24

Congratulations, may good fortune be with you!

XILLV 2021-03-23

3.23 revise and reconsider Two reviewers. The first one gave positive feedback, while the second one raised some critical issues that hit the mark. Currently making revisions.

10+SCI 2021-03-23

It is accepted today, and usually results are given within about a week starting from the decision.

xiaomujiang 2021-03-23

2020.11.03 submit - Submitted on November 3, 2020
2020.12.19 major revision - Major revisions made on December 19, 2020
2021.01.17 revised submit - Revised version submitted on January 17, 2021
2021.03.08 accept with minor revision - Accepted with minor revisions on March 8, 2021
2021.03.12 revised submit - Revised version submitted on March 12, 2021
2021.03.23 accept - Accepted on March 23, 2021

静而守道 2021-03-23

August 28-29, 2020: Submitted with editor
September 14, 2020: Editor invited
November 7, 2020: Revised and reconsidered
December 2, 2020: Revision with editor
January 22, 2021: Accepted with minor revision
February 11, 2021: Revision with editor
March 23, 2021: Accepted

Seven reviewers were invited, and six of them provided helpful feedback for the paper's revision. It seems that one of the reviewers, likely from a foreign country, provided additional comments after the initial revision, indicating a rigorous review process.

hituestc 2021-03-23

Congratulations. Is it released today? Mine is also being decided, praying.

10+SCI 2021-03-23

Thank you, and I also wish you the same smoothness!

匿名账户 2021-03-23

Congratulations, may you have some good luck.

10+SCI 2021-03-23

It's done, accept on 3.23.

hituestc 2021-03-22

Did the decision result come out?

10+SCI 2021-03-22

The reviewer's opinions are quite fair, so it should lead to good decision-making.

10+SCI 2021-03-22

If the opinions of the two reviewers are consistent, the decision will be made quickly. If they are not consistent, a third reviewer will be sought for arbitration, which may cause a delay in the process.

lkkl 2021-03-21

Hello, author. May I ask what is the result?

hituestc 2021-03-20

Why is yours so fast?

lucky pig 2021-03-19

It has been 7 months since the initial draft was submitted, and it is still under review. What is going on?

10+SCI 2021-03-19

2020.11.29 Submission - 2021.01.20 Modification - 2021.02.20 Revised Submission - Awaiting Decision on 2021.03.15

已投结果未知 2021-03-19

Now I just want to get the results quickly, without feeling sad about rejection. If I get rejected, I can switch sooner. It's too costly to keep wasting time.

zmxcheer 2021-03-18

Author, you finished reviewing so quickly. What were the results? I'm a little afraid mine was reviewed too quickly.

冲冲冲冲 2021-03-18

You are faster than me. I submitted it in July last year, and now it has been almost two months since the second review was sent back. The "Under Review" date has never changed. I hope everyone can be successful!

已投结果未知 2021-03-18

It has been more than half a year since the initial submission. I submitted it on September 3rd, 2020.

hituestc 2021-03-18

May I ask which month did you invest in?

hituestc 2021-03-18

May I ask in which month did you first make a投?

已投结果未知 2021-03-18

The translation of the text into English is as follows: "I guess it should be that the second review is usually sent to the group of reviewers from the first review. I'm really afraid of changing reviewers. It has been almost 7 months since the initial submission until now. I really don't know when it will end. I feel anxious."

匿名账户 2021-03-17

Did the several reviewers of the first review not agree on the review?

已投结果未知 2021-03-17

It has been 40 days since the second review, and currently only one reviewer has agreed to review. Have you ever encountered a situation where a decision can be made based on the opinion of one reviewer for editing?

冲冲冲冲 2021-03-17

Blessings. I hope everyone will achieve success soon!

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