Verified Reviews - NEUROCOMPUTING
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

瓜瓜道人 2021-07-16

Reply to the comment above, as of July 16th afternoon, it is still under review.
Based on the experiences shared online, the second review usually takes around 40 days to 2 months.
I still have to wait a little longer...

只想毕业 2021-07-16

How is your second review going? I also entered the review on the 21st, and it is still under review until now.

瓜瓜道人 2021-07-14

Currently, it has been submitted for the second review. Sharing some timeline for good luck.

2021.1.20 - submit to the journal
2021.1.24 - under review
Around 2021.3.19 - under review, updated once
Around 2021.5.1 - required reviews complete
2021.5.8 - revise and reconsider (2 reviewers, their comments were very fair and positive)
2021.6.15 - submit to the journal
2021.6.18 - under review

Just waiting for this graduation, hoping it will pass.

lucky pig 2021-07-13

Just want to ask, which email address should I send the reminder letter to the journal, and will someone reply?

一之濑夜 2021-07-10

2021.03.11 Submission
Status not confirmed in the middle
2021.03.15 Under Review
The status changed multiple times in the middle, and after a long time, it was not confirmed anymore
2021.06.28 Decision in Process
2021.07.07 Revise and Reconsider
These are the main submission statuses. The paper is about the intersection of artificial intelligence and physics. The journal invites many reviewers each time, so the number of reviewers depends on the popularity of the topic and luck.
The reviewers' comments are very detailed, covering both small details and big aspects. They are quite sharp, but they help me improve the quality of my paper. I am grateful to have the opportunity for a major revision. I will share the status regardless of whether it is accepted or rejected.

ysz1996 2021-07-09

The first review has been pending for 11 months and still no result. It took a whole three months just for the required reviews to be completed. What a rubbish review speed! I have never seen such an irresponsible journal.

桐笑 2021-07-01

May I ask if the medical image processing direction is suitable for investment?

lz 2021-06-04

#submissions being processed
2020.8.19 submitted to journal
2021.3.4 decision in process
2021.3.5 revise
2021.4.9 sent back for revision
2021.6.3 accept
Some statuses are not recorded.
It took nearly 10 months, so it is advisable for students who are about to graduate soon to consider carefully.
One revision led to direct acceptance.
The revision comments are generally mild, with one or two sharp ones that require a positive response.
The editors of this journal are quite busy, so it is necessary to remind them after 3 months during the review process and after 2 months after sending the revisions back.

投的都中 2021-05-31

Why was it rejected? Are the requirements of the journal very high? Does it belong to a journal that focuses solely on theoretical mathematical deductions?

投的都中 2021-05-31

Is this journal more focused on applications? Are the requirements high? Is it easy to get accepted?

投的都中 2021-05-31

Is this journal more focused on applications? Is it good for publication?

zlh 2021-05-16

How long after the acceptance of the paper will I receive an email stating "production has begun"? Will the co-authors, apart from the corresponding author, also receive the email?

zlh 2021-05-14

How long after the acceptance of the paper will I receive the email "Production has begun"? Will authors other than the corresponding author receive the email as well? Thank you.

zlh 2021-05-14

How long will it take to receive the email "Production has begun" after the paper is accepted? Will authors other than the corresponding author receive the email?

zlh 2021-05-14

How long will it take to receive an email with "Production has begun" after the paper has been accepted? Will authors other than the corresponding author also receive the email?

Keith 2021-05-13

Return with comments after two months.
However, I would like to invite you to revise your paper, considering the comments of the reviewers seriously, and submit your revised version by xxx xx, 2021 (mm/dd/yy). Any revision received after that may be treated as a new submission.
The given time is approximately 40 days, but it is not enough. Does anyone know if it is possible to request an extension for the revision deadline in this case?
Thank you!

稍后提醒我 2021-05-05

2020-11-25 Submission
2021-02-02 Minor revisions requested after the first review
2021-03-13 Revised manuscript submitted
2021-05-04 Accepted
Two reviewers provided helpful suggestions for improving the paper! Compared to the previously shared submission experiences by the authors, the process was faster than expected, and it was a pleasant submission experience, provided for reference purposes only.

四片叶子的三叶草 2021-04-24

During the 20th National Day holiday, the manuscript was submitted. Around the end of the year, the first round of comments was given, and the opinions of the three reviewers were very insightful, which indeed greatly helped improve the quality of the article. The revised version was submitted approximately before the Lunar New Year in the 21st year. In March, the editor replied and accepted it, but mentioned that a response was needed from a fourth reviewer, mainly for language modifications. Currently, it is still under review, but the editor said it is considered accepted. Generally, the speed from submission to acceptance of 7-8 months can be considered acceptable.

冲冲冲冲 2021-04-21

The above is my submission timeline, I hope it is useful for everyone. It took a total of 9 months, which is the longest time I have spent on a submission so far.
I did not choose to edit when submitting, so the process was relatively slow. I do not recommend this journal to those who are in a hurry to be accepted, and I also do not plan to consider this journal in the future. Overall, the reviewers were very professional and provided many constructive suggestions. I feel that with the improvements made, it could be accepted in a top-tier journal. I wish everyone good luck in getting accepted!!!

冲冲冲冲 2021-04-21

#Submissions Being Processed
Jul 22, 2020 - Submitted to Journal
Jul 23, 2020 - With Editor
Jul 25, 2020 - Editor Invited
Jul 31, 2020 - With Editor
Aug 02, 2020 - Under Review
Sep 16, 2020 - Under Review
Oct 13, 2020 - Required Reviews Completed
Dec 21, 2020 - Decision in Process
Dec 27, 2020 - Revise
Jan 21, 2021 - With Editor
Jan 21, 2021 - Editor Invited
Jan 21, 2021 - With Editor
Feb 05, 2021 - Under Review
Apr 12, 2021 - Under Review
Apr 14, 2021 - Required Reviews Completed
Apr 20, 2021 - Accept

Scoundrel meets bastard 2021-04-20

3 reviewers, 38 comments...
They can be considered very responsible...
They directly drove me to despair...
I kept revising until the deadline was extended for a week before submitting the revision...
God bless... My hair loss was not in vain...

张家伦 2021-04-19

In general, the speed is acceptable. From submission (2020.09.20) to acceptance (2021.04.18), it took nearly 7 months. There were three reviewers in the first review and an additional one in the second review.

已投结果未知 2021-04-09

Unable to find a reviewer for the second review, currently only one opinion has been received.

虚步 2021-04-02

Submitted on January 7, 2021, entered under review on March 10. It has been almost a month since the review started, but there hasn't been any update. Waiting...

When submitting to a journal, one must have a carefree mindset. Submit and forget about it; otherwise, it can drive you crazy. Sigh, I really need this paper to be accepted. I am anxiously waiting to graduate...

qinjisheng 2021-04-02

Apr 01, 2021: Reviews Required Completed.

虚步 2021-04-01

January 7th submission, entered under review on March 10th.

woxiangbiye 2021-03-30

Editorial advice transfer. My mentor agreed and submitted it to the transfer manager. I heard that the transfer system in Louisville would be slow.

酒气灵 2021-03-30

October 27th - Submission
January 20th - Major revision
March 14th - Submit revisions
March 30th - Acceptance

The visual direction was very professional, and the reviewers provided many suggestions to improve the quality of the paper. We diligently addressed each suggestion by supplementing experiments and making revisions. We also wish everyone success in getting published.

努力努力再努力s 2021-03-30

There was a mistake in timing.
2021.03.28: Decision in process.

努力努力再努力s 2021-03-30

There is a wrong timing.
2021.03.28: decision in process.

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