Verified Reviews - NEUROCOMPUTING
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

logistics 2021-09-19

Can this journal still maintain its position in the 2nd quartile of the Chinese Academy of Engineering's ranking, considering that most journal impact factors have increased?

sanjicaihua 2021-09-16

Share the experience of submitting manuscripts:
2021.03.25 - Submitted;
2021.05.12 - Revised and reconsidered, the time for completing required reviews during the first round of review changed 4 times, with a total of 6 reviewers;
2021.07.20 - Submitted again;
2021.08.01 - Required reviews completed;
2021.08.14 - Under review;
2021.08.17 - Required reviews completed;
2021.09.15 - Accepted.

路遥&宇欣 2021-09-15

I have also submitted it for over a month without being reviewed.

iorange 2021-09-13

I am too, have you submitted for review now? Did you choose a specific editor when submitting your manuscript? I didn't choose an editor, so I wonder if that's why it's taking a long time to find a suitable reviewer...

iorange 2021-09-12

Excuse me, do you have the option to choose a designated editor for submission? I didn't have a choice, and it has been two weeks now without being assigned a reviewer.

little_red_hat 2021-09-07

2021.09.07 revise and reconsider

This text is already in English and does not require translation.

一之濑夜 2021-09-07

2021.08.29 required reviews completed
2021.09.03 decision in process
2021.09.07 accepted
Also, I would like to share some submission experiences this time, hoping to be helpful to others.
First, the journal sent a total of 10 review invitations to me for the first round of review. Therefore, any changes in the status "Under review" could be either due to reviewers declining the invitation or the previous reviewers not responding, resulting in the editor logging into the system to send invitations to new reviewers. But overall, changes in the status "Under review" indicate that the manuscript is being processed.
Second, for the second round of review, an additional reviewer was added, who provided positive feedback and suggested conducting additional experiments but without making it mandatory. The other two reviewers who provided comments in the first round had already agreed to accept the manuscript, so the editor directly accepted it in the end. It seems that this journal tends to add reviewers for the second and third rounds of review. In my case, even after attempting to invite 10 reviewers, I still tried to invite new reviewers for the second round. Additionally, I know of many other submission cases where additional reviewers were added.

little_red_hat 2021-09-05

Supplement: 2021.09.03 Decision in Process

xiaowanggogogo 2021-09-02

Ah, it's uncomfortable, but it feels like it's not like that. The time frame has changed twice during the under review period, and I'm a bit confused.

ocean511 2021-09-01

Posted on 2020.12.21, the article underwent three major revisions. The feedback after the first revision was mostly positive, but it seems like a different reviewer took over for the second revision. One reviewer accepted the revisions, while the other questioned the innovation. After the third revision, the reviewer who questioned the innovation was brought back, and ultimately, the article was accepted on 2021.8.31. The review process was quite fast, except for the second revision, which was quite disheartening.

little_red_hat 2021-08-31

Currently still waiting, I would like to share with you the timeline:
2021.06.30 submitted
2021.07.15 under review
2021.08.29 required reviews completed

铁皮 2021-08-30

Congratulations, basking in good luck!

morepaper 2021-08-30

Finally, it's been accepted! It took nearly 6 months for the submission, with two rounds of revisions. The reviewer's attitude was relatively mild. The first revision involved adding some experiments, while the second revision focused on formatting issues.

小巢 2021-08-29

Xiao Wang, I suggest you give up on this journal. It has been five months and still no news, which indicates that your article cannot find a suitable reviewer...

xiaowanggogogo 2021-08-29

Brother, how long does it take for you to receive feedback on the revisions? I've been under review for five months already.

小巢 2021-08-29

Finally submitted for review on 8/28, the editor has held it for 24 days.

ChiiZhang 2021-08-28

Reply to the first comment: Generally, every time there is a modification, I am required to submit some new materials again, so uploading the author's photo and bio is a normal process.
Second comment: In the third review, an additional reviewer was added, which took about an extra month compared to usual.
Third comment: Yes, during the third review, an additional reviewer was added, who is knowledgeable and provided very good suggestions. However, the manuscript was still rejected by the first peculiar reviewer.
Fourth comment: I'm not sure, but it might be the case that one of the first two reviewers did not approve, so they will add another one.

touch 2021-08-27

I would like to ask, what is the meaning behind uploading the author's photo and biography when submitting the revised version of the neurocomputing major revision?

KaZuI 2021-08-27

It has been one and a half months since it was delivered to the editor. Still no external review. It feels bad. Is it because they can't find anyone? This is taking too long.

tzwy 2021-08-26

I would like to ask the author above, how long is the review period for the second review when adding an additional reviewer?

ocean511 2021-08-26

Excuse me, did you add a reviewer? For my second revision, I also added a reviewer on top of the first revision. Originally, the opinions of the two reviewers were relatively positive, but the one added seemed to reject the submission based on the comments. Fortunately, the editor gave me another chance for a major revision. Now I am feeling very nervous going back to it.

小巢 2021-08-24

How many reviewers are typically needed? The interaction with the editor has been going on for 20 days.

tzwy 2021-08-23

I have to say that the author is really unlucky. Is it every time that they add reviewers during the review process?

ChiiZhang 2021-08-23

2020.11.3 Submitted to Journal
2021.1.16 Major Revision
2021.2.17 Revision Submitted to Journal
2021.4.5 Minor Revision
2021.4.27 Revision Submitted to Journal & With Editor
2021.7.5 Major revision
2021.7.12 Revision Submitted to Journal & With Editor
2021.8.21 Reject
There's nothing much to say. We encountered an unreasonable reviewer. Both expert reviewers approved it, but this odd non-expert reviewer provided comments for revision four times, and none of them were helpful. Their comments were full of grammar issues. I'm really disgusted. I can only say that luck was not on our side.

一之濑夜 2021-08-22

2021.08.14 Returned for major revisions with editor
2021.08.16 Updated once with editor
2021.08.20 Editor invited
2021.08.22 Under review, there should have been a round of revisions with editor, but I didn't confirm the specific time.
Making the revisions is quite challenging, and the reviewer's comments were not initially positive, so I am quite afraid that a second review will introduce more uncertainties. I wonder if anyone else has encountered the situation of additional reviewers in the second review.

小巢 2021-08-21

Why is my status still "with editor" after 17 days since submission?

tzwy 2021-08-21

Currently, the second review has been close to 3 months, and there was one change in the second review under review on August 21st.

Here is a timeline:

2021.03.08 - Submitted to journal
2021.03.09 - Under review
2021.03.28 - Under review
2021.04.12 - Required reviews completed
2021.04.17 - Decision in process
2021.04.18 - Revise and reconsider
2021.05.28 - Resubmitted to journal
2021.06.04 - Under review
2021.08.21 - Under review

XILLV 2021-08-21

Congratulations!! Come and share the joy!

tzwy 2021-08-21

Congratulations, may you be blessed with good fortune.

瓜瓜道人 2021-08-21

This article was successfully accepted on the morning of August 21st! It took 7 months, and the process was challenging, but I am still very happy to have succeeded! I also wish everyone a smooth acceptance soon!

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