Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

kkfc 2022-05-08

I will really thank you for your speed.

xxyh 2022-05-08

Why can you hire in just 4 months...

cv小白 2022-05-07

2022-01-25 submission
2022-03-15 major revision
2022-04-05 submitted the revision
2022-04-23 minor revision
2022-05-04 submitted the revision
2022-05-07 accept

2022-01-25: Submission
2022-03-15: Major revision
2022-04-05: Submitted the revision
2022-04-23: Minor revision
2022-05-04: Submitted the revision
2022-05-07: Accept

xxyh 2022-05-06

Update: 2022-05-05 under review Time has changed, but the status remains the same.

winnerche 2022-05-06

05 May 2022 Under review, the date changed yesterday, but the status remains the same.

希望毕业 2022-05-05

May I ask how you got in touch? It has been a year for me. His mother is still reviewing. I think I will probably quit. This magazine is too bad.

xxyh 2022-05-02

2022-05-02 under review

xxyh 2022-05-02

Update: 2022-05-01 reviewers assigned

kkfc 2022-05-01

Ah, I'm planning to remind the editor one month after the invitation for the manuscript. It's taking too long. I specialize in artificial intelligence. What about you?

kkfc 2022-05-01

Brother, do we have to wait for a month after the initial submission before the editor invites us for under review? I'm crying, it's too slow.

xxyh 2022-05-01

Update: April 30, 2022 editor invited.

希望毕业 2022-05-01

I submitted it, waited for half a year, and it was only reviewed in January this year. Sigh. This prestigious publication is really crazy. If they disagreed, they should have rejected it earlier so that I could submit it elsewhere.

希望毕业 2022-05-01

I submitted it on May 1st last year. It wasn't reviewed until January of this year. I really wanted to withdraw it at that time, but the laboratory didn't allow it. It wasted a lot of time.

希望毕业 2022-05-01

I also applied on May 1st last year. It's driving me crazy. I dare not push for it again.

ZKL123 2022-04-29

28 Apr 2022 Editor assigned
29 Apr 2022 Accept

xxyh 2022-04-28

2021-12-05 submission
2022-04-04 major revision
2022-04-24 submitted the revised version
2022-04-25 editor assigned
now: as before

2021-12-05 submission
2022-04-04 major revision
2022-04-24 submitted the revised version
2022-04-25 editor assigned
now: as before

xxyh 2022-04-28

This indicates that the comments from the second review have already returned. There is a small possibility that some reviewers may refuse to review, and then we will have to find new reviewers.

阿宇在这呢 2022-04-28

Too slow, submitted on April 13th, and still editor assigned till now.

人生如梦 2022-04-27

The processing is too slow...

Submitted on July 22, 2021
Major revision on October 12, 2021. Reviewer 1 provided four comments, reviewer 2 provided six comments.
Revised on November 23, 2021
Under review since January 25, 2022
Still under review until now.

kkfc 2022-04-26

The editing speed is too slow...
Submitted on 3.22
Editor assigned on 3.24
Editor invited on 4.08
It hasn't been reviewed yet...

kkfc 2022-04-08

I submitted it on March 24th, and now it is still assigned to an editor... You are quite fast, I envy you.

winnerche 2022-04-07

07 Apr 2022 Under review

winnerche 2022-04-07

07 Apr 2022 Reviewers Assigned

winnerche 2022-04-06

06 Apr 2022 Editor Assigned

Translation: On April 6th, 2022, an editor has been assigned.

winnerche 2022-04-06

01 Apr 2022 Initial Date Submitted
05 Apr 2022 Editor Invited

ZKL123 2022-03-21

The text translates to: "Reviewers assigned turned into 'under review' two weeks later, possibly indicating that the second reviewer did not submit their opinions on time or that there are disputes regarding the submitted opinions."

always001 2022-03-15

Classmate, do you know what the situation is? Mine is the same.

ZKL123 2022-03-10

Why are there "Reviewers assigned" after "Under review"?

mingzq 2022-03-09

Hello, may I ask if you have any reminders for the second review?

Nocko 2022-03-04

Update status
2022.2 accepted
2022.3 proven
The second review was accepted directly, and the outcome is quite good.

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