Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

triumph1 2022-09-19

Still appointed as an editor after one month.

kkfc 2022-09-18

9.18 reviewers were assigned. It has been over two months and they still haven't been found.

kkfc 2022-09-06

The status of this journal is also strange. Mine is "reviewers assigned," but it is still not "under review." I asked the editorial department, and they said it is under review.

起汉水之滨 2022-09-05

8.4 submit: This refers to the submission of a document or form on the 8th of April.

8.5 Editor appointed: This means that an editor has been chosen or assigned to a specific task or project on the 8th of May.

中间三次催稿: This translates to "Three reminders in between" or "Three follow-up requests in between." It suggests that there were three instances of sending reminders or requests for something.

9.5 Reviewers invited: This indicates that reviewers have been invited or requested to evaluate or assess something on the 9th of May.

triumph1 2022-08-29

Which submission website is it? I think I can still submit.

zhushuqi 2022-08-28

The official website shows that I can't submit an article. I'm really frustrated.

kkfc 2022-08-27

This journal's speed is no longer surprising. It's very early. I suggest you take a look at the previous comments. Mine was sent for review when it was only 4 months old.

起汉水之滨 2022-08-27

Submitted on the 8.5th, now still editor appointed. Does it feel like this journal has gone downhill?

triumph1 2022-08-26

8.17 submit
8.26 Still appointed by the editor

多吃核桃 2022-08-25

I am also like this, unable to submit a contribution now.

xxyh 2022-08-24

However, there must be a reason for your slow speed. After my second revision, I have been assigned to an editor, and currently, it has been a whole 8 months since submission.

qh123 2022-08-21

Direction of the current velocity is fast.
May 11th - Submission.
May 21st - Under review.
June 30th - Major revision.
July 15th - Submitted the revised version.
August 17th - Acceptance.

毛毛虫123 2022-08-21

Why can't this journal be submitted now?

起汉水之滨 2022-08-06

How long does it take from being appointed by the editor to being under review?

xxyh 2022-08-03

2022.8.2 editor assigned translates to "Editor assigned on August 2nd, 2022" in English.

xxyh 2022-07-24

2022.7.20 minor review

kkfc 2022-07-18

Why has my reviewers assigned status been ongoing for almost a month without changing to under review? Or does this status also indicate that it is under review?

science+ 2022-07-17

Did you receive a confirmation reply after the proof?

xxyh 2022-07-13

2022.7.12 Editor Assigned

wang_xw 2022-07-08

Has it been downgraded to Zone 3?

kkfc 2022-07-06

It means in the system there is a "send email" option to send a reminder email to the handling editor or editorial assistant, which is a common type of follow-up email available online.

希望毕业 2022-07-06

Hello, may I ask if you provide internal communication? Do you have a similar format? I have written to that editor multiple times but it seems to be of no use. I guess they don't even read it. So should I send a message to the professor in charge of this article? Please give me some advice. Thank you very much, my friend!

何大帅 2022-07-04

Hello, I am also in the field of deep learning image processing (specifically in pedestrian re-identification). Could you please let me know the approximate duration for each stage of the submission process, from "Submitted to Journal" to "With Editor" to "Under Review" to the later stages? I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much. (I haven't submitted yet, but it is related to my graduation, so I wanted to inquire first. Thank you!)

kkfc 2022-07-03

7.3 reviewers assigned... Why is my submission journey so difficult? Is it also difficult to find suitable NLP reviewers?

kkfc 2022-06-29

6.28 reviewers assigned, urged the editor, finally submitted for review. However, the reviewers did not accept it yet, so it is not under review.

希望毕业 2022-06-28

From "editor invited" to "under review", it has been a month and your ancestral grave has started smoking. My submission has been returned from this year. It has truly taken a whole year. It has delayed my graduation. I have been wanting to withdraw my manuscript during this time. The people in the laboratory are too difficult to communicate with.

希望毕业 2022-06-28

Everyone, please give some suggestions. I have been submitting for a year. Now I am in the status of being invited to edit, but I don't know what to do. I used to send messages to the editor, but they don't reply. I see that some people do reply to messages. I don't know what the problem is. Can someone help me pay attention to this? Thank you!

希望毕业 2022-06-28

I officially submitted my work in May last year. It has been over a year since May this year. I have been wanting to withdraw in between. This magazine is very poor. The speed is too slow.

kkfc 2022-06-23

Yes, but I sent it to the editorial assistant.

science+ 2022-06-21

Is it done through the system's handling?

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