Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

wang_xw 2022-12-01

The second review has been under review for 35 days. Last time when I submitted, I felt that the second review was quite fast, but this time it is slow overall... I am hesitating whether to urge for the manuscript or not.

xxyh 2022-11-06

2022.11.4: proof, requested to be returned within two days.

起汉水之滨 2022-10-27

It has been 10 days since the editor started evaluating the revision, I don't know how much longer I have to wait...

zxzxz 2022-10-27

Hello, I am preparing to submit my paper to the Neural processing letter, but the PDF generated from the downloaded LaTeX template has significant formatting differences compared to the published papers of the journal. Could you please help me with this issue? Thank you!

孤勇者 2022-10-25

Thank you for your response. The submission has been successfully made, and I hope it will be accepted smoothly.

饭啊饭° 2022-10-23

Translated into English:

2022.10.20 Indexed, so fast!!!
With this, the entire process of the paper is completed. Thank you to the editors and reviewers of NEPL journal.

起汉水之滨 2022-10-21

Directly search the journal name on Baidu, find Neural Processing Letters|Home. After entering, there is a "submit manuscript" option. I submitted from here.

孤勇者 2022-10-20

Excuse me, may I ask where is the submission portal for this journal? It keeps showing that I don't have permission. I hope to receive your reply. Thank you very much.

起汉水之滨 2022-10-19

I remind every half month, and each time I receive an official reply. This lasted for exactly one month, and the last reply stated that the reminder letter had been forwarded to the editor. The status changed one day later.

AI_duan 2022-10-19

Hello, may I ask how long does it usually take for an editor to be appointed after submitting a paper? How long is it appropriate to remind them?

起汉水之滨 2022-10-19

10.5 Major revision, editorial request to return revised draft within 14 days.
10.16 Submit the revised manuscript.
10.17 Editor evaluating revision.
I don't know how long I have to wait, hoping for a smooth process!

xxyh 2022-10-18

After more than 10 months, it was finally accepted!

孤勇者 2022-10-17

May I ask from which website did you submit your manuscript? Why does my submission interface keep showing warnings? It's urgent and I truly appreciate your help.

孤勇者 2022-10-17

Hello classmate, may I ask from which website did you submit your manuscript? Why does my submission interface keep showing warnings? I urgently need a solution, thank you very much.

孤勇者 2022-10-17

Hello classmate, may I ask from which website did you submit your manuscript? Why can't I submit mine? There has been a warning popping up when I click on the submission interface. It's urgent to resolve this issue. Thank you very much.

孤勇者 2022-10-17

Hello classmate, may I ask from which website did you submit your manuscript? Why can't I submit mine? The submission interface shows a warning. Is there anyone who can help me out?

孤勇者 2022-10-17

Hello classmate, may I ask from which website did you submit your manuscript? Why am I unable to submit mine?

起汉水之滨 2022-10-17

The current status is "Revision quality check in progress." Praying for it to go smoothly!

饭啊饭° 2022-10-17

I also had a little problem at that time, and then the opinion of the first review said that I couldn't find some of the references. After I made major revisions, I submitted it in Word format, which was also acceptable.

起汉水之滨 2022-10-17

Did the original poster encounter any warnings during the submission of the revised manuscript? Yesterday, when submitting the revised manuscript, there were a few warnings displayed during the final review regarding the conversion of the Latex file, but they were not thoroughly checked. Ultimately, the manuscript was still submitted, and it is unknown whether there will be any impact.

饭啊饭° 2022-10-14

2022.10.03 Copyright Transfer
2022.10.06 Proofreading
2022.10.12 Online

xxyh 2022-10-10

2022.10.10: Editor assigned... Xiao Xiuxiu has been away for 2 months...

xxyh 2022-10-10

I swear, my little Xiuxiu has been away for 2 months now, and the editor has been assigned all along.

饭啊饭° 2022-10-09

Update status:
2022.10.03 Copyright transfer
2022.10.06 Proofreading

饭啊饭° 2022-10-09

Both are required, both are required.

起汉水之滨 2022-10-05

Brother, I would like to ask you again. When you submit the revised draft, do you only submit the version with marked changes (the version where modified parts are highlighted in red), or do you also need to submit the modified clean version?

饭啊饭° 2022-10-04

It hasn't been two months yet, and the editor's delivery was also very fast.

起汉水之滨 2022-09-28

9.5 9 Reviewers invited
9.6 2 Reviewers accepted
9.16 1 Reviewer report received
9.26 Ready for editor's decision
Waiting for the editor's decision, hoping for a positive outcome!

起汉水之滨 2022-09-27

How long did the OP wait for the reviewers' decision in the first review?

饭啊饭° 2022-09-25

The review process was quick, and it was accepted in just 3 months!! The feedback provided for the major revision was very constructive, mostly addressing formatting and image quality issues. The reviewers were great, and the editor was excellent too!! It feels like encountering a divine combination~~~~
Submitted on June 19, 2022
Major revision on August 26, 2022
Accepted on September 22, 2022

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