Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

rice0531 2023-05-01

2022-10-21 submitted
2023-3-4 Major Revision (two reviewers)
2023-3-18 Revision Submitted
2023-4-28 Accept

2022-10-21 submitted
2023-3-4 Major Revision (two reviewers)
2023-3-18 Revision Submitted
2023-4-28 Accept

科研小趴菜1 2023-04-29

May I ask what is the required number of pages for submission? I couldn't find it on the official website.

Kepahiahia 2023-04-26

Go to the official website and enter the "submit manuscript" section.

Rui7 2023-04-26

I would like to ask why I cannot find the submission interface when I log in? It's very strange.

Kepahiahia 2023-04-25

Just follow Springer's method, the subsequent verification will be adjusted.

快出来快出来 2023-04-24

The text translates to: "The technical inspection stage is still ongoing for five days."

海棠 2023-04-17

That journal only provided the general template from Springer, which is completely different from the template I saw for the published papers. May I ask where to find the template, or is it only provided after acceptance for publication?

海棠 2023-04-17

Where did you find the template or will they only provide the official template after accepting the submission? The template they provided for his journal is the general template from Springer, which is completely different from the template I saw for published papers.

海棠 2023-04-17

Just asking, his journal only provided the general template from Springer, which is completely different from the template I saw for published papers. May I know where to find the template, or is it only provided after acceptance for publication?

海棠 2023-04-17

Hello, I am preparing to submit a letter to Neural Processing Letter, but the PDF generated from the downloaded LaTeX template has significant formatting differences compared to the published papers in the journal. May I ask if you can help me with this issue? Thank you! Has this problem been resolved?

fei24 2023-04-03

How many reviewers are you?

fei24 2023-04-03

May I ask how many reviewers are there for your article?

起汉水之滨 2023-03-07

After undergoing one major revision and one minor revision, a total of nine reminders, it has finally been accepted! Submission date: 2023.3.7.

Yes_eor_No 2023-03-02

22-11-22 submit - Submitted on November 22, 2022.
22-11-23 under review - Under review since November 23, 2022.
22-12-12 major revision - Requires major revision as of December 12, 2022.
22-12-23 revision submitted - Revision submitted on December 23, 2022.
22-12-25 under review - Under review since December 25, 2022.
23-03-01 accept - Accepted on March 1, 2023.

fei24 2023-02-27

2.17 submission, or under designated editing.

lstm 2023-02-27

Submission has been accepted on February 26, 2023.
Editorial decision: Major revision on January 9, 2023.
Received reviewer comments in the journal on December 22, 2022.
Reviewers reached consensus in the journal on December 12, 2022.
Journal invited reviewers on November 9, 2022.
Journal assigned an editor on August 12, 2022.
Completed submission check in the journal on August 12, 2022.
First submitted to the journal on August 10, 2022.

Shen 2023-02-19

It has been almost 6 months, still under review.

Kepahiahia 2023-02-17

Oh no, my condition hasn't changed at all...

派大星大派 2023-02-16

There have been some changes in the small status of the peer review, but the peer review itself has not changed. It has been almost four months since submission, and the first review result has not been released yet.

派大星大派 2023-02-16

It has been 4 months and there is still no result from the first trial. What speed are you guys working at?

Kepahiahia 2023-02-15

Is there no news from this journal after December?

equals00 2023-02-14

22-04-26 submit
22-06-21 under review
22-12-09 major revision
22-12-26 Revision Submitted
Now it is still Editor invited, I really don't know if I can get the results before graduation in June. It's really slow, so slow.

rice0531 2023-02-08

January 7th, ready for a decision, but now nothing has changed, sent an email but no reply.

起汉水之滨 2023-02-08

Send the reminder email to this email address:

xiaoshudian 2023-02-04

How can I urge the submission? It has been over two months since the editor started evaluating the revised manuscript after the first review. I haven't seen any progress on the submission.

海绵宝宝乌拉乌拉 2023-01-28

May I ask if there have been any changes to the status of your submission? My second round of peer review has been ongoing for a month and a half.

无情滴怪蜀黍 2023-01-02

The peer review process has been ongoing for a month and a half, and we are not sure about the situation. However, according to the latest categorization, it seems that this journal has been downgraded from a third-tier to a fourth-tier journal.

AI_duan 2022-12-31

Hello, may I ask how NPL journals are charged? How much is the fee for non-open access selection?

errol 2022-12-13

July 2022 submission
September 2022 notice of major revision
October 2022 revision
December 2022 acceptance
The review process is very fast.

jayden_5 2022-12-04

11.6 Submission received
11.6 Initial technical check
11.7 Editor appointed

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