Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

求老天给一个sci 2023-07-11

It took less than three months from submission to acceptance, it's really fast!
Submission: April 15, 2023
Minor revisions: June 10, 2023
Revisions submitted: June 15, 2023
Acceptance: July 11, 2023
I'm so happy, this is my first SCI paper!

cts4444 2023-07-11

Hahahaha, burp
The speed is very fast
Submission is in publishing and rights 10 Jul 2023
Submission accepted (final acceptance) 10 Jul 2023
Submission under peer review 09 Jun 2023
Submission passed technical check 09 Jun 2023
Revision received (revision submission) 08 Jun 2023
Submission under peer review 20 Mar 2023
Submission passed technical check 20 Mar 2023
Submission received (initial submission) 19 Mar 2023

奕成 2023-07-05

The following text translates to English as: "The one submitted on January 6th has received no news until now. Does anyone know?"

avada 2023-06-28

My goodness, this is too fast! Envious!

jddddddd 2023-06-28

Submission 17 Apr 2023
Minor revisions 5 May 2023
Revisions submitted 20 May 2023
Accepted 27 Jun 2023

The journal is fast in reviewing manuscripts and professional, it is worth recommending as a good journal.

岭上开花 2023-06-27

Return the first instance opinion in early March
Return the second instance opinion in early April
Return the third instance opinion in early June
Accept in late June

Default two-week revision time each time, extension can be applied if insufficient

avada 2023-06-22

Yes, I have sent reminder emails two or three times, but it was useless.

Jackson 2023-06-20

Rejected directly within one month, without any reason for the rejection.

JK1996 2023-06-19

May I ask if the reviewer report has been received?

JK1996 2023-06-19

Excuse me, has the reviewer report for 1 been received? What happened to this journal?

avada 2023-06-19

1.21 submitted
4.25 reviews received
Unchanged to date

with_Sandra 2023-06-18

5.10 submitted
6.2 Reviewers invited
6.15 Reviews received

Gggguts 2023-06-15

投出去四月一个外审然后没动静了 translates to "In March, the same thing was submitted, and in April, an external review was conducted, but there has been no progress since then."

jddddddd 2023-06-12

I am also in this situation.

JK1996 2023-06-12

I don't know why, but after submitting on April 10th, I received one reviewer report in just four days. However, until today, I haven't received any comments from the first review.

jddddddd 2023-06-08

Hello, may I ask how long it will take for the Editorial Department to send an email notification after receiving the second review comments?

yuyuyou 2023-05-30

May I ask how long it will take from "Ready for editor's decision" to the final outcome? It has been four days with no news.

fei24 2023-05-29

The duration of the state is quite long.

yanmoo 2023-05-23

Hello, may I ask if I submit on the same day, will the status immediately change to "peer review"? Does this status mean it hasn't been reviewed yet?

JoshuaSYM 2023-05-18

4.10 submit - This refers to the action of submitting or sending something.
4.11 peer review - It is the process in which professionals or experts in a particular field evaluate and assess the work or research of their peers.
5.05 1 Reviewer report received - This indicates that one report from a reviewer has been received.

accept西柚 2023-05-18

Hello, may I ask if the Peer review status has not been submitted for review yet?

fei24 2023-05-10

5.1 Return revision.

fei24 2023-05-10

It seems that there is no page requirement.

Kepahiahia 2023-05-10

No requirements, just don't have too few journals.

甜甜的小青柚 2023-05-05

My senior brother has been here for two months, while my other senior brother has been here for over a year and a half.

yanmoo 2023-05-05

Is it that slow? I was just about to invest.

甜甜的小青柚 2023-05-05

First review: 6 months
Second review: 3 months
Third review: 3 months
The status of the third review keeps switching between "under review" and "editor assigned".

rice0531 2023-05-03

Change the time to 14 days, whether it's displayed as Major or Minor.

fei24 2023-05-02

I would like to ask, how long does the journal give you for revisions?

fei24 2023-05-02

Excuse me, when you are asked to make revisions, is it directly shown as "major revision" or is it directly stated as "revision requested"?

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