Verified Reviews - Nano Today
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

一贱封神 2022-02-10

Originally, with the establishment of the JCR (Journal Citation Reports) partition, the Chinese Academy of Sciences partition is just a chicken rib. It is not for the purpose of creating a good scientific research environment, but solely for the sake of interests. That's why developed countries no longer engage with you.

Zhihao 2022-02-02

If you take a look at the data of Nano Today in JCR, you will see that in 2020, the impact factor calculation year, Nano Today published 85 reviews with a median citation of 18.5, as well as around 23 articles with a median citation of 4. There are also a small number of communications. You will understand how this impact factor is calculated by looking at it yourself. When the proportion of reviews in a journal, especially in the field of nanotechnology, is close to 80%, a low impact factor is not acceptable. Many domestic journals and journals with a majority of Chinese editors are manipulating impact factors, such as increasing the proportion of reviews (a normal journal should have a review proportion between 5-10%, but many domestic journals can reach 60-70%), increasing the proportion of correspondence/brief communications (these types of communication articles only increase the total citations of the journal but do not appear in the denominator of the article count, so it is a major weapon to increase the impact factor, such as the correspondence proportion in journals like Cell Discovery, Protein and Cell, Cellular and Molecular Immunology can reach 50%).

lucky dududu 2021-12-24

Laughing so hard that I peed. IF20+ in the second section.

penguin 2021-12-22

By the way, there is also a nature nanotechnology.

penguin 2021-12-22

I estimate that there are too many first-class nanomaterials journals in the materials category, such as Nano Energy, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, Nano-Micro Letters, Nano Research, and Nano Today. The total number of first-class materials journals is not many, and the nanomaterials field already occupies a significant portion. Therefore, we can only move on to lower-tier journals. Nano Research and Nano-Micro Letters are the least reputable, but they are domestic journals, so they must be considered first-class. ACS Nano and Nano Letters are more prestigious than Nano Energy and Nano Today. Additionally, Nano Energy has a higher publication volume compared to Nano Today, which only publishes around 100 articles per year. As a result, Nano Today is excluded.

***%%% 2021-12-21

Given this partition, it is also difficult for them. It means pointing at a deer and calling it a horse, or a blind person feeling an elephant.

润成 2021-12-21

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) categorizes Nano Today as a second-tier journal that is not considered top-tier. However, Applied Surface Science is categorized as a top-tier journal in the first tier. After reading this, I remained silent for a long time. Is this the research environment in China? Even an ordinary master's degree holder in science and engineering should not have such a distinction. If the country wants to create a good research environment, it should first severely punish these CAS members who receive generous salaries from the state but do not do their job.

一碗月亮茶 2021-11-05

Is it under review now?

海獭菌 2021-10-21

It has been 5 weeks for me, and it hasn't been reviewed yet. I have a headache. Have you had yours reviewed?

科研民工1988 2021-09-30

2021.2.13 Submission (not a review)
2021.4.5 Received reviewer comments, three reviewers, major revision requested by one and minor revisions requested by two, editor requested major revision
2021.5.4 Revised
2021.6.7 Editor notified of acceptance
Overall, I feel that the review process of the journal is a bit slow. In the past two years, they have started accepting research articles, and I have noticed an improvement in the quality of articles during the same period. It can still be challenging unless you are part of a highly reputable group. The journal's impact factor is 20+ this year, so I hope it continues to improve in the future.

海獭菌 2021-09-22

So slow, mine is still with the editor all this time, yours has already been sent for review, or is it that this journal, like ACS journals, does not change the status after review?

Ewald 2021-09-18

The text "五周还没送审" translates to "It has been five weeks and it hasn't been submitted for review yet" in English.

jun1 2021-09-17

It has been a month and it still hasn't been reviewed.

Ewald 2021-09-17

Did you submit it for review?

jun1 2021-09-12

Another week has passed, it has been more than 3 weeks, and it is still in the hands of the editor.

jun1 2021-09-03

It has been two weeks since submission, and it is still in the hands of the editor for editing. The progress is a bit slow.

LmingyueyeH 2021-07-08

After submission, there were a total of three reviewers. The comments they provided were quite fair and objective. After making the necessary revisions, the reviewers were satisfied and the submission was successfully accepted.

;kalejkl 2021-06-13

The acceptance rate is approximately 15%.

;kalejkl 2021-06-13

One of the top journals in nanomaterials research, unquestionable quality, strict peer-review process.

Yau-Wilson 2021-03-02

Medical and chemical engineering technology category, full text (not a review)
Submitted on October 12, 2020
With editor on October 14, 2020
Under review on October 23, 2020
...(dates updated multiple times)
Required reviews completed on December 17, 2020
Rejected on December 28, 2020
Two reviewers raised illogical and strange questions. It seems highly unprofessional, and some questions clearly feel like deliberate challenges. Additionally, the reasons for rejection are very ridiculous. (Especially one reviewer's opinion having grammar errors) It is true that there is no good circle to publish in this journal, even if the quality of the paper is good.
The paper has been transferred to JACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society). After one month, minor revisions were requested, and the reviewer's comments were pertinent and professional.

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