Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

qiubiye 2023-05-10

Does anyone withdraw their article after being hired?

qiubiye 2023-05-10

Did the brothers withdraw their submission?

qiubiye 2023-05-10

Did the brothers withdraw their submission? Will this be rejected by EI in the future?

Dot 2023-03-22

Kicked out, can't search anything behind anymore.

Dot 2023-03-22

Finished, the online activity in January has now been kicked out, and I don't know if it will be searched or not.

y3 2023-03-22

After being kicked, as long as it is not indexed, then it is not SCI.

qiubiye 2023-03-22

If I'm kicked out of SCI, will I be kicked out of EI too?

qiubiye 2023-03-22

If it is not indexed, it cannot be included in SCI.

Tony_cao 2023-03-22

Kicked out of SCI, what should I do with the accepted one?

y3 2023-03-22

Latest news, it is no longer SCI.

qiubiye 2023-03-21

It seems like this journal has been deleted by SCI.

qiubiye 2023-03-21

Is this journal still SCI?

qiubiye 2023-03-11

Currently, it has changed from being invited from AE to being submitted. Is this normal?

三尺秋水尘不染 2023-03-09

My publication also keeps bouncing back and forth between pending approval and under review, what XXX journal.

三尺秋水尘不染 2023-03-09

It means, all sorts of inexplicable problems.

qiubiye 2023-03-07

It's really slow. I applied in January, but due to email issues, it was delayed for a month. From mid-February until now, it has been constantly "AE invited"...

qiubiye 2023-03-07

May I ask how long it took for you to be assigned an editor?

qiubiye 2023-03-07

May I ask how long it takes for you to be assigned to an editor? It has been three weeks and I still haven't been invited as an AE.

qiugood 2023-03-06

It's been three months, and it has been in the PENDING APPROVAL status for one month. Does this mean that the peer review has been completed? Are we just waiting for the editor-in-chief to send the information after considering it comprehensively? This journal may have received too many paper submissions, so the progress is getting slower and slower...
2023 has been warned. Has anyone withdrawn their submission?

IT无极师 2023-03-03

What happened in the end? When will the editing be assigned, or is it withdrawn?

qiubiye 2023-02-13

What does "可编辑的图表" mean? Can I take a screenshot?

紫紫 2023-01-20

May I ask if your thesis has been indexed now?

三尺秋水尘不染 2023-01-07

I also received this email after the minor repair, and now it has been over a month, but still no news.

猫喜强 2022-11-14

2022/7/20 Submitted
2022/8/4 AE Invited
2022/8/12 Reviewer Invited
2022/8/15 Under Review
2022/9/26 Pending Approval
2022/10/7 Major Revision (Both reviewers provided positive feedback, and one suggested minor revisions before acceptance)
2022/10/10 Under Review
2022/11/2 Pending Approval
2022/11/10 Accept
2022/11/14 Publication fee paid
The review process for non-special issue submissions may be slower than for special issue submissions.

逗号~ 2022-11-13

May I ask how much is the cost for this journal?

学术菜鸟1 2022-11-10

After a minor repair, the recruitment went smoothly. It took one month, and I myself felt it was a bit fast.

小兵 2022-10-31

It has been almost 3 months since publication, but there is still no retrieval. What's going on?

伪装 2022-10-30

I submitted to another Hindawi journal. It has been more than two months since publication, but it has still not been indexed. I'm really anxious.

我的小猪在哪 2022-10-29

How long does it take to retrieve?

wjtxsy 2022-10-25

As an academic editor, let me answer your question. After submitting manuscripts, they will first go to the editorial office for initial review, including checking the paper format, similarity rate, conflicts of interest, and so on. This process usually takes about one month. After passing these checks, the article will be assigned to the corresponding academic editor, and that is when the formal processing of your paper begins.

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